Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Tuesday told the Surguja Area Tribal Development Authority to revoke all development works sanctioned by the previous government which had not been initiated.
He said this at a meeting of the authority at Mayali, a tourist destination in Jashpur district.
Members of the authority raised the issue of decrease in acreage of sugarcane farming in the region. The Chief Minister expressed apprehension on the issue.
Sai also called for promoting horticulture crops in the region and to increase the production of vegetables.
Upon arriving at the Kharsa View Point, the Chief Minister and other guests were welcomed with traditional bamboo hats and garlands made of Dumbar fruit and mango leaves.
The welcome was accompanied by the rhythmic beats of the Karma dance and traditional musical instruments such as the Dhaak and Nagada.
In a bid to promote the tourist destination of Mayali, the meeting was convened there. Sai and others traveled to the meeting by boat, enjoying the scenic beauty of the Nature Camp.
Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, Revenue Minister Tank Ram Verma, Surguja Area Tribal Development Authority Vice President Gomati Sai, Raigarh MP Radheshyam Rathiya were among those who accompanied Sai.
In addition to including Mayali Nature Camp in the Swadesh Darshan Yojana, the Tourism Department has sanctioned Rs 10 crore for its development, an official said.
The Nature Camp is situated near the Charaidand Garden State Highway in the Kunkuri block. This green oasis attracts a large number of tourists and families, particularly on weekends.