In the programme "Aapki Yojana- Aapki Sarkar- Aapke Dwar", Chief Minister Hemant Soren today gifted 147 schemes worth Rs 339 crore 60 lakh 1 thousand to Godda and Deoghar districts. This includes the inauguration and foundation stone laying of 29 schemes worth Rs 192 crore under Godda district, while 12 schemes worth Rs 6 crore 81 lakh 66 thousand were inaugurated and foundation stone was laid for 106 schemes worth Rs 159 crore 66 lakh 69 thousand under Deoghar district. On this occasion, assets worth crores of rupees were distributed among thousands of beneficiaries of these two districts.
Addressing people on the occasion, the CM said, “The people of this state are our biggest strength. With your support, we are moving forward towards building a strong Jharkhand. The fourth phase of the "Aapki Yojana Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar" program is going on. During this, a tremendous number of people are being seen in the special camps being organized in panchayats and hamlets across the state. Here their problems are being resolved and they are being covered under various schemes. I am also joining the camps being organized in various districts, so that I can see the happiness of connecting with various schemes of the government in the people of this state.”
The CM said that the way our government has worked to bring many schemes on the ground, the benefits of many schemes are reaching the same household-family simultaneously. All the elderly are getting pension and women are getting Samman Rashi. Today, there is no household which is deprived of the schemes of the government.
He said that our government is working to provide help and relief to every section. Farmers' loans up to Rs 2 lakh have been waived off. People are being given 200 units of electricity free of cost. Our government has decided to give pension, health insurance and stipend amount to lawyers. Girls are being motivated to study by connecting them with Savitribai Phule Kishori Samridhi Yojana. Children here become doctors, engineers and officers, they are being given financial assistance of up to Rs 15 lakh under Guruji Credit Card. There are many more such schemes through which we are taking the people of the state forward.
The CM said that you can yourself assess the work done in 20 years after Jharkhand became a separate state and the work done by our government in the last four and a half years. Our government has been working to accelerate the development of the state amidst many other challenges along with Corona. Today, there is no house in this state which is deprived of the government schemes.
Soren said that the government is committed to empowering half the population. In this regard, Jharkhand Chief Minister Mainiya Samman Yojana is working to give honorarium to 50 lakh sisters and daughters. He said that even today a large rural population here is living a life of poverty. They are forced to take loans for small needs. But, our government is determined to make you stand on your feet, so that you do not have to beg in front of anyone. For this, our government will work to deliver one lakh rupees every year to every house during the next 5 years.
The CM said that the state will progress only when all sections of the society join together and become partners in the development of the state. Disunity in the society weakens the state. In such a situation, I want to tell all of you to identify those who break the society and reject them. Our effort is to change the condition and direction of this state with the cooperation of all.
Ministers Satyanand Bhokta, Deepika Pandey Singh, MLA Pradeep Yadav, District Council President Baby Devi, former Minister Hemlal Murmu, former MLA Sanjay Yadav, Commissioner of Santhal Pargana Division Lalchand Dadel, IG Kranti Kumar Gadideshi, DIG Sanjeev Kumar and DCs and SPs of Godda and Deoghar districts along with other officials were present in this programme.