Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that sports academies will be established in Ujjain to promote traditional sports Mallakhamb and gymnastics. He said that adventurous sports should be incorporated into the main sports by linking them with tourism and forest. CM Dr. Yadav gave instructions to organize adventurous sports activities promoting participation of youth from different districts. He said that employment-oriented programmes should be conducted keeping in mind advancement of women, farmers, youth and the poor. CM Dr. Yadav said that stadiums should be constructed in every district in such a way that every stadium also has a helipad. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav was reviewing the activities of Sports and Youth Welfare Department at Mantralaya on Wednesday.
Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang, Additional Chief Secretary Rajesh Rajoura, Additional Chief Secretary Smita Bhardwaj Ghate, Principal Secretary Manish Rastogi and Director Ravi Kumar Gupta were present.
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that the performance of Kathiyawadi breed horses is good for the horse-riding. If we include Kathiyawadi horses in sports, then even better performance can be achieved. Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Sarang said that Madhya Pradesh's performance in horse riding and shooting stand good. The sports academy is one of the best academies. As many as 32 horses are available for training in the academy. Horse riding is also the only sport in which players of both male and female categories participate together.
Players can become gazetted officers
Chief Minister Yadav said that the proposal to appoint Olympic and Asian Games medal winning players to the post of gazetted officers should be presented in the Cabinet. On the proposal to give jobs to outstanding players through sports quota in Higher Education, School Education, Forest, Excise, Transport, Police and Scheduled Tribe departments on the basis of educational qualification, Chief Minister Dr. Yadav directed to place the proposal along with the rules .
Youth to join Khelo-Badho Abhiyan
Chief Minister Yadav said that sports activities should also be conducted on priority. He said that high school and higher secondary students should be linked to this scheme through these games. The purpose is to recognize and develop the sports spirit of the students. This will also enhance the interest and participation of students in sports. On the lines of Khelo India, Khelo MP Youth Games will be organised. Participants below 16 years of age from all development blocks will take part in it, in which 24 games have been included.
Sports ceremony should be dignified
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that calendar of sports activities should be prepared. He said that brainstorming camp should be organized at the state and national levels. Prepare for brainstorming by making a comprehensive plan of sports and the facilities provided. Programmes should be organized on national festivals at district and block levels by coordinating with rural youth.
Director to become Director General of Sports
Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang put forward the proposal in the review meeting to upgrade the post of Director of Sports as Director General of Sports and to upgrade the post of Joint Director in departmental cadre to the post of Director of Sports.