BJP sets up camp near strong room, MP interacts with workers

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BJP sets up camp near strong room, MP interacts with workers

Monday, 03 June 2024 | PNS | Jamshedpur

After the polling in Jamshedpur Lok Sabha seat on May 25, the mandate of the people has been captured in the EVMs. The counting of votes is scheduled for June 4. The EVMs from six assembly constituencies under the Jamshedpur Lok Sabha constituency have been secured in the strong room at the Jamshedpur Cooperative College, under the strict surveillance of central forces.

To ensure round-the-clock monitoring of the EVMs, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Jamshedpur unit has deployed its workers in shifts. On Sunday, it was the turn of the Burmamines Mandal team at the camp set up at the cooperative college. Jamshedpur Lok Sabha candidate MP Bidyut Baran Mahato visited the camp organized by the BJP. He was accompanied by State Working Committee Member Kulwant Singh Bunty, BJP Mandal President Deepak Jha, General Secretary Suraj Singh, District General Secretary Rakesh Singh, and Minister Manjit Singh, along with several party workers.

During his visit, the MP gathered detailed information from the board chairman and the workers present regarding the supervision of the EVMs. State Working Committee Member Kulwant Singh Bunty expressed confidence in Bidyut Mahato's victory for the third consecutive term in the Jamshedpur Lok Sabha seat. He highlighted the unprecedented development in Jamshedpur over the past ten years, attributing it to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's policies and Bidyut Baran Mahato's dedicated service.

Bunty stated, "With the blessings of the enlightened people of Jamshedpur and the hard work of our dedicated BJP workers, Bidyut Mahato will secure a greater victory margin than last time and head to Delhi."

At the monitoring camp, BJP workers discussed future election plans with enthusiasm and seemed well-prepared to oversee the EVMs. Key participants in the camp included State Working Committee Member Kulwant Singh Bunty, District General Secretary Rakesh Singh, Minister Manjit Singh, Former District President Chandrashekhar Mishra, Mandal President Deepak Jha, General Secretary Suraj Singh, Former District Yuva Morcha President Amarjit Singh Raja, Rakesh Rai, Madhu Tanti, Ramdulari Lakshmi Yadav, Kailashpati Mishra, Chandan Upadhyay, Chotu Pandey, Ritesh Jha, Aniket, Barma Kansari, Dharma Nag, Santosh Prasad, Srinivas Singh, Saurabh Srivastava, Ashish Pandey, Raju, Sanjay Sharma, Suraj Rajak, Sanjay Jaiswal, and Ghanshyam Pandey.

It is worth noting that the BJP workers, along with senior party leaders, are diligently monitoring the strong room from a tent set up on the cooperative college grounds, despite the scorching summer heat. Access to the strong room is strictly restricted. The district administration has installed CCTV cameras to ensure continuous monitoring of the strong room, with the camera screens located in a nearby building. Through these screens, BJP workers are vigilantly securing the votes cast for MPs and candidates.

 To maintain consistent surveillance, BJP Jamshedpur Mahanagar has assigned different circles under the Lok Sabha to monitor the EVMs on different days, ensuring day and night vigilance from the tent in the college grounds.

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