Delhi BJP on Thursday filed three police complaints against Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi over his remarks over Sikhs and reservations made during his visit to America on September 10.
In a press conference, Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva alleged, “Despite holding an important position as Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi’s statements, whether in India or abroad, tend to incite social disharmony.”
He claimed that Rahul Gandhi's statements in America have caused distress and anxiety not only among the Sikh community but also within the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities in India. “Moreover, his remarks have tarnished India's image abroad,” he claimed
The Delhi BJP chief expressed regret and said that instead of apologizing to the country for his misleading statements, Gandhi is further inflaming tensions by having Congress leaders make more controversial comments. “Rahul Gandhi's statements have deeply offended the Sikh community and hurt their religious sentiments,” Sachdeva claimed.
Delhi BJP's Sikh Cell Sardar Charanjeet Singh Lovely filed a police complaint under sections 152, 196(1), 197(1)(c), and 197(1)(d) of the Indian Penal Code, demanding legal action while Delhi BJP's Scheduled Tribe Morcha Convenor C.L. Meena filed a complaint at the Parliament Street Police Station. Meanwhile, Scheduled Caste Morcha President Mohanlal Gihara, lodged a separate complaint at the Punjabi Bagh Police Station.
Sachdeva stated that they demand an investigation by the Delhi Police based on their complaints and legal action against Rahul Gandhi.
BJP leader Arvinder Singh Lovely claimed, “This is not the Congress he once knew, as the Congress used to claim that it rose above caste-based politics. However, now Rahul Gandhi's statement appears to be a conspiracy to divide the country, which is, in a way, an anti-national activity that the people of India will never forgive. “
He also expressed his happiness at his decision to join the BJP, as he is not aligned with those who divide the country based on caste and emphasized that Gandhi should understand that the Sikhs are a fearless community.