AIIMS Bhopal successfully treats 3 children without surgery

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AIIMS Bhopal successfully treats 3 children without surgery

Tuesday, 04 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

In a pioneering medical achievement, AIIMS Bhopal has successfully treated three children suffering from rare and complex congenital heart diseases without the need for surgery.

This remarkable feat was accomplished under the leadership of Professor (Dr.) Ajai Singh, Executive Director of AIIMS Bhopal, with the skilled intervention of cardiologist Bhushan Shah and his dedicated team. For the first time, the lives of these three young patients were saved using advanced non-surgical techniques. Two of the children were less than a year old, and all three were facing serious heart conditions that posed significant health risks.

In the first case, a 2-month-old baby girl weighing just 2 kg was diagnosed with Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), a congenital heart defect where the normal channel between the pulmonary artery and aorta fails to close after birth, leading to heart failure. Traditional surgery was deemed almost impossible due to the high risk to her life. Dr. Bhushan Shah, using echocardiography, closed the channel through a vein in the waist with a Nitinol device, avoiding surgery. Following the procedure, the baby began drinking breast milk and showed reduced symptoms of heart failure.

She was discharged from the hospital after just three days. A similar procedure was performed on an 11-month-old child who had been turned away by many major hospitals across the country due to his young age. The doctors at AIIMS Bhopal successfully treated him using the Nitinol device without surgery, giving the child a new chance at life.                              

In the third case, a 3-year-old child was suffering from a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), a condition where a hole in the wall between the heart's two lower chambers prevents oxygenated blood from reaching the entire body.

Closing this hole with the Nitinol device carries a risk of slowing down the heart rate. However, Dr. Bhushan Shah expertly inserted the appropriately sized Nitinol device through the artery, successfully closing the hole and saving the child's life.

This series of successful treatments marks the first time such young and low-weight children with severe heart diseases have been treated using the Nitinol device at AIIMS Bhopal. The cardiac anesthesia team, led by Dr. Pooja Singh, played a crucial role in these successes.

All three children were treated completely free of cost under the Ayushman Bharat scheme and have now regained their health. Professor (Dr.) Ajai Singh, Executive Director of AIIMS Bhopal, congratulated the entire team for their exceptional work and dedication to providing top-notch patient care. 

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