AAP to challenge HC stay on bail to Kejriwal

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AAP to challenge HC stay on bail to Kejriwal

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | New Delhi

AAP on Tuesday disagreed with the Delhi High Court order staying the bail granted to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by the trial court and stated that they will challenge it in the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva lashed out at AAP leaders for their language, calling it a ‘contempt of court’.

The trial court had granted bail to Kejriwal on June 20 in the money laundering case stemming from the alleged Delhi excise policy scam and ordered his release on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh. The high court stayed the trial court order on Tuesday.

Reacting to the development, the AAP said they will approach the apex court. "We disagree with the Delhi High Court order. We will challenge it in the Supreme Court," the party said. When asked about the high court order at a press conference, Delhi cabinet minister Saurabh Bharadwaj said the AAP's legal team will decide the future course of action.

"A high court bench stayed the order of the lower court without even the order getting uploaded. I did not have any hope from the high court. I think the high court bench was prejudiced. We will approach the higher court. Our legal team will decide the strategy and the time when we approach the higher court," he said.

Further, AAP Spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar claimed that the ‘entire liquor scam is fake and has been scripted in BJP office’. “When you ready the trial court order, they have addressed all the documents, except some irrelevant documents. They (trial court) have clearly stated that there is no evidence linking Arvind Kejriwal to this so-called liquor scam. The High Court ordered stay without even looking at the trial court order. We do not agree with this verdict; our legal team is looking into this and will take an advisable step," she claimed.

On the other hand, Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva on Tuesday welcomed the Delhi High Court's order to stay the bail granted to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by the lower court, stating that the AAP chief is the main accused in the alleged excise policy linked money laundering scam.

Sachdeva said that Kejriwal’s involvement in the now scrapped liquor policy has also been established. He mentioned that the High Court itself had a hearing on April 9, during which it stated that Arvind Kejriwal's arrest is legally valid and the investigation agency has evidence for it.

“As the investigation progresses, it is becoming clear what role the leaders of the AAP played in the liquor scam,” he said. The Delhi BJP chief added that it is Kejriwal's prerogative if he wishes to approach the Supreme Court, ‘as the beauty of the country's law is that every criminal gets multiple opportunities to go to court.’

While commenting on the language used by AAP leaders, he stated that it is a direct contempt of court. “One may disagree on a subject, but not respecting the court's decision is directly questioning democracy, as any decision by the court is made after considering all facts,” Sachdeva said.

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