Lohardaga police have arrested two youths including the first wife of the deceased and sent them to jail in the case of murder of a young man by entering his house in broad daylight in Karcha Toli under Sadar police station area of the district on January 31. Last January 31, 32-year-old Sachit Oraon, a resident of Nadia Karcha Toli under Sadar police station area of the district, was stabbed to death by two masked criminals. Whereas the first wife of the deceased involved in the murder, Kishori Oraon, Chittaranjan Kumar and Sulendra Kumar, both are residents of Palamu district.
On the information of the first wife, the police arrested both the criminals from Palamu district. The police have also seized the knife, clothes and 3 mobile phones used in the murder. Kishori Oraon, the first wife of deceased Sachit Oraon, was angry with her husband for marrying a second time, that is why the incident was carried out by meeting her lover Chittaranjan Kumar. Chittaranjan Kumar, along with his friend, conspired to murder Sachit Oraon and killed him after getting the opportunity. Police have solved the murder mystery by tracing the mobile phone and extracting the CDR.
SP Haris Bin Zaman held a press conference on the entire matter and said that the police were investigating the murder in depth. Meanwhile, on the basis of suspicion, the first wife of the deceased, Kishori Oraon, was taken into custody and interrogated. After which the CDR of the mobile was taken out and examined and Chittaranjan's name came up in this incident. He confessed to his crime during strict interrogation. The whole matter is being linked to a love affair.