3 held for looting at gunpoint, large haul of cash and mobile phones seized

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3 held for looting at gunpoint, large haul of cash and mobile phones seized

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 | PNS | Jamshedpur

In a breakthrough, City SP Mukesh Lunayat successfully cracked a high-profile case of looting at gunpoint, resulting in the arrest of three notorious criminals. The arrested individuals, identified as Harsh Om Sharma (25) of Ashu Colony, Birsanagar, Rahul Kumar Dev (24) of Ba Gun Nagar, Sita Ram Madera, and Arun Uday Mahato (25) of Ka Lu Bagan, Birsa Nagar, have been placed in judicial custody.

According to the SP, the trio are members of the same gang responsible for a series of robberies that terrorized the city. The police have recovered a range of stolen items, including an RS200 Pulsar motorcycle used in the crimes, Rs. 2000 in cash, a purse, money and PAN card, clothes worn by the criminals during the heists, and three mobile phones.

The investigation revealed that one of the arrested individuals has a prior criminal record. During a press conference, SP Lunayat explained that on the nights of June 21st and 22nd, these criminals orchestrated a string of robberies in the MGM and Birsanagar areas by threatening victims with firearms. The modus operandi involved two criminals targeting unsuspecting passengers, forcibly taking over their vehicles, and robbing them.

The police acted swiftly upon receiving information about these incidents. Intensive investigations, including surveillance and intelligence gathering, led to the identification and subsequent arrest of the suspects. The decisive actions of the law enforcement officers have not only led to the apprehension of the culprits but also helped restore a sense of security among the residents of Jamshedpur.

SP Lunayat commended the efforts of his team and assured the public that stringent measures are being implemented to prevent such incidents in the future. He emphasized the importance of community vigilance and cooperation with the police to combat crime effectively. The arrested criminals have been booked under multiple charges, including armed robbery and possession of illegal firearms.

The police department has urged any additional victims or witnesses to come forward with information that could further aid the investigation. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for continued efforts to curb criminal activities and ensure the safety and security of all citizens.

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