26,424 candidates to appear for recruitment examination for CDPO

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26,424 candidates to appear for recruitment examination for CDPO

Sunday, 09 June 2024 | PNS | Jamshedpur

The Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) regular recruitment examination is set to take place on Monday, June 10, across 59 designated centers in the East Singhbhum district. In preparation for this significant event, the District Magistrate cum Deputy Commissioner,  Ananya Mittal, provided comprehensive guidelines to ensure a smooth and fair examination process during a briefing held at the XLRI auditorium.


The briefing session, aimed at magistrates and police officers, emphasized the importance of maintaining law and order and preventing any form of malpractice during the examination, which will be conducted in two shifts. Key officials present at the briefing included City SP  Mukesh Lunayat, ADM Law and Order  Anant Kumar, SDO Dhalbhum Mrs. Parul Singh, and Ghatsila SDO  Sachchidanand Mahato.


 Mittal stressed the roles and responsibilities of the Center Supervisor cum Static Magistrate, Flying Squad Magistrate, and Center Superintendent, directing them to ensure the examination is conducted without errors. He highlighted the necessity of anticipating and addressing potential issues to maintain a seamless process. The strict adherence to the guidelines issued by the Jharkhand Public Service Commission was also underscored.


A total of 26,424 candidates are expected to appear for the examination. The first shift will run from 10 AM to 12 PM, followed by the second shift from 2 PM to 4 PM. To ensure the integrity of the examination, videography will be implemented at all centers. Additionally, it was mandated that no candidate be allowed entry into the examination center without undergoing proper frisking.


Officials were instructed to arrive at the examination centers two hours prior to the start time to oversee final preparations. Comprehensive arrangements for drinking water, adequate lighting, and other essential facilities, including toilets, were reviewed to ensure a comfortable environment for the candidates.


In attendance at the meeting were the District Education Officer, District Education Superintendent, Treasury Officer, and all appointed static and flying squad magistrates, police officers, and center superintendents.


The District Magistrate cum Deputy Commissioner’s briefing emphasized the collective responsibility of all officials to conduct a fair, peaceful, and malpractice-free examination, ensuring the integrity and success of the recruitment process.

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