Haryana Chief Electoral Officer Pankaj Agarwal on Monday said that a total of ,559 candidates have submitted 1,746 nomination papers for the upcoming General Elections, scheduled for October 5, across all 90 seats of the Haryana Assembly Elections. After scrutiny, 1,221 nominations were found valid, while the candidatures of 338 were rejected.
Agarwal informed that according to the election schedule issued by the Election Commission of India for the 2024 State Assembly elections, candidates were allowed to file their nomination papers between September 5 to 12. The scrutiny of the nominations took place on September 13, with the deadline for candidates to withdraw their nominations until September 16. Till September 16, a total of 190 candidates withdrew their nominations and now there are 1031 candidates, he added.
In the Haryana Assembly General Elections 2014, 1351 candidates had contested while 1169 candidates contested in the 2019 Assembly elections.
He said that 5 candidates from Panchkula, 4 from Ambala, 5 from Yamunanagar, 15 from Kurukshetra, 15 from Kaithal, 10 from Karnal, 6 from Panipat, 7 from Sonipat, 13 from Jind, 6 from Fatehabad, 12 from Sirsa, 23 from Hisar, 3 from Dadri, 13 from Bhiwani, 4 from Rohtak, 9 from Jhajjar, 9 from Mahendragarh, 3 from Rewari, 15 from Gurugram, 2 from Nuh, 4 from Palwal, and 7 from Faridabad district have withdrawn their nominations.
The Chief Electoral Officer said that after the completion of scrutiny and the withdrawal of nominations across all 22 districts, a total of 1,031 candidates will contest the assembly elections. He said 17 candidates are contesting from Panchkula, 39 from Ambala, 40 from Yamunanagar, 43 from Kurukshetra, 53 from Kaithal, 55 from Karnal, 36 from Panipat, 65 from Sonipat, 72 from Jind, 40 from Fatehabad, 54 from Sirsa, 89 from Hisar, 33 from Dadri, 56 from Bhiwani, 56 from Rohtak, 42 from Jhajjar, 37 from Mahendragarh, 39 from Rewari, 47 from Gurugram, 21 from Nuh, 33 from Palwal, and 64 candidates are contesting from Faridabad district.
1031 candidates to contest Haryana Assembly Elections
Tuesday, 17 September 2024 | PNS
| Chandigarh
1031 candidates to contest Haryana Assembly Elections
Tuesday, 17 September 2024 | PNS | Chandigarh