Once again, the student-led organization "Dristi" orchestrated a pivotal event named "Nirbhay Nari." Rooted in the narrative of resilience epitomized by Damini, this initiative was tailored to fortify young girls as they transitioned into adulthood. Held at L.P. Public School in Ranchi, under the esteemed guidance of Principal Shree Vijay Mishra, the event unfolded on February 10, 2024.
Comprehensive in scope, the program encompassed the distribution of essential sanitary products and enlightening discourse sessions conducted by certified professionals. Furthermore, participants were provided with nutritious food packages, ensuring their holistic well-being throughout the event.
Alongside the unwavering commitment of Chapter Lead Samprati, the resounding success of the event owed much to the concerted efforts of the Dristi team, including Aditi, Radhika, Ayush, Nihal, Anupriya, Sneha, Smriti, Harsh, Suruchi, Ayushi, Arpita, Tejal, Ishika, Sharad, Priyanshu, Dipika, Muskan , Abhilasha, Rajvardhan, Shreya and a dedicated cohort of volunteers.
In reflection, the Chapter Lead Samprati Singh emphasized that while educating approx 300 girls on self-awareness marked a commendable start, the organization remained steadfast in its resolve to expand this noble endeavor. Their pledge was to ensure that every young girl was equipped with the knowledge and empowerment necessary to navigate the complexities of adolescence and beyond.