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Monday, 10 June 2024 | Pioneer

“Brain tumours can be sneaky. Early signs often feel like everyday issues you might brush off. New or worsening headaches, especially those worse in the morning and accompanied by nausea, could be a red flag. Difficulty concentrating, speaking clearly, or understanding others might signal a problem. Watch for personality changes, weakness on one side of the body, or blurry vision. Even slight dizziness or balance issues shouldn't be ignored. If you persistently experience any of these symptoms, don't hesitate to see a doctor. Early detection of a brain tumor is crucial for a better chance of successful treatment. A little awareness can make a big difference.”

(The writer is Dr Manish Vaish, Senior Director of Neurosurgery at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali)

“A brain tumour diagnosis can be scary, but early detection is key to a brighter future. The sooner you identify the tumour, the more treatment options become available. Also, surgery can be more precise, minimizing side effects. Additionally, radiation and medication are often more effective when the tumour is smaller. While treatment can cause fatigue, weakness, or thinking changes, rehabilitation, and support groups help you manage them. You might need to adjust your daily routine or work, but open communication with loved ones and employers can ease the process. Remember, many people thrive after an early brain tumour diagnosis. Focus on healthy habits, emotional well-being, and stay connected.”

(The writer is Dr Yashpal Singh Bundela, Senior Consultant at Sushrut Brain and Spine, Delhi)

“Amidst the fast pace of our daily living, we may easily overlook how much stress deeply affects our neurological well-being. It is possible for stress to secretly sneak in like a thief in the night and foster an atmosphere that can see brain tumors grow therein.

We will protect ourselves from the invasion by stress by strengthening our mental fortresses with activities that encourage peace and resilience. For instance, let us practice mindfulness meditation or simply create time to think without any distraction so as to guard against it with devotion towards mental health needs. Awareness of symptoms can lead to early diagnosis , faster and better treatment of tumors.”

(Dr Praveen Gupta, Principal Director and Chief of Neurology, Fortis Hospital)

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