World looking at Yoga as agent of global good: Modi

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World looking at Yoga as agent of global good: Modi

Saturday, 22 June 2024 | Mohit Kandhari | Srinagar

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the number of yoga practitioners across the globe is growing every day as it is making new ways of positive change in society. Modi said the world is also looking at yoga as a powerful agent of global good.

The Prime Minister led the celebrations of the 10th International Yoga Day on the banks of Dal Lake in Srinagar and took part in the Yoga session.

The mega event was scheduled to be held in the open but early morning rain forced the event indoors. Despite the rains, Dal Lake in Srinagar provided a wonderful setting for this year's Yoga Day programme, reflecting perfect harmony with nature.

Scores of students were amongst those who joined the Prime Minister in performing various asanas on the occasion.

They also asked him for selfies and he happily obliged.

Addressing a gathering of yoga practitioners the Prime Minister said the expansion of yoga over the past ten years has changed perceptions associated with yoga.He conveyed his best wishes on the International Day of Yoga to all citizens and those practicing yoga in different parts of the world.

Talking about the theme of this year's Yoga Day -'Yoga for Self and Society', PM Modi said that the world is looking at yoga as a powerful agent of global good and it enables us to live in the present without the baggage of the past. PM Modi emphasised, "Yoga helps us realize that our welfare is related to the welfare of the world around us. When we are peaceful within, we can also make a positive impact on the world."

The Prime Minister said, "Yoga is now emerging beyond limited boundaries. The world is witnessing the rise of a new yoga economy". "In Bharat, a new trend of yoga tourism is being observed from Rishikesh and Kashi to Kerala. Tourists from all over the world are coming to Bharat because they want to learn authentic yoga". "Yoga retreats and yoga resorts are being established. Dedicated facilities for yoga are being created at airports and hotels. The market is seeing designer apparel and equipment for yoga. People are now hiring personal yoga trainers for their fitness. Companies are also starting yoga and mindfulness programs as part of employee wellness initiatives. All these have created new opportunities and employment for the youth".

Modi said yoga has the potential to transform the economy of Jammu and Kashmir by attracting more tourists.

"I have been seeing since yesterday that yoga is becoming popular with the people of Srinagar and (rest of) Jammu and Kashmir. It is a big thing that 50,000 to 60,000 people are associated with yoga. This will attract more tourists here," he said. He said yoga could help the union territory attract more tourists, which in turn would provide new livelihood opportunities to locals.

The Prime Minister cited a competition in Egypt where yoga was used to promote tourism.

"I recently saw a video from Egypt. They organised a competition and awarded the best yoga photographs and videos from iconic tourist places in the country. In the pictures and videos, I saw girls from Egypt standing in front of the iconic Pyramids doing yoga, it was so attractive.

Modi said, "The number of yoga followers is growing continuously. Wherever I go, there is hardly any (international) leader who does not talk to me about the benefits of yoga.

"In many countries, yoga is becoming a part of the daily lives of people," Modi said, citing the examples of Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia and Germany.

In his address, the prime minister referred to 101-year-old Frenchwoman Charlotte Chopin who was awarded a Padma Shri for her services in popularising yoga in her country.

The prime minister described yoga as not just knowledge but also a science. He also expressed happiness that more than 100 institutes in India and 10 major foreign institutes have been recognized by the Yoga Certification Board formed by the Ministry of Ayush. 

The prime minister said yoga provides solutions to several problems. "In this era of information revolution, there is a flood of information sources and it is a challenge for the human mind to focus on one subject. "A solution for this is also in yoga as it helps the mind to focus. That is why from army to sports, yoga has been included in their routine," he said. The Prime Minister said astronauts and people working on space projects are trained in yoga as it increases "productivity as well as tolerance".

Welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said the hosting of International Yoga Day celebrations in Srinagar has put Jammu and Kashmir on the global map.

"I am grateful to the PM for allowing J&K to lead the International Yoga Day celebrations. This historic event has put Jammu Kashmir on the global map", Lt Governor Sinha said. Yoga plays the most significant role in enhancing the physical, psychological, and emotional aspects of well-being, he said. The Lt Governor said that the Prime Minister has taken Yoga to the world and today this invaluable gift from our ancient tradition is being practiced across the globe. "Yoga is a holistic approach towards happiness. It is the first step towards a healthy life. It unites Body and Mind as Saint Patanjali had said that Body and Mind are one. Yoga brings consciousness and through consciousness, pure joy is born", he added.

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