Rajnath credits Navy for playing crucial role in country's growth

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Rajnath credits Navy for playing crucial role in country's growth

Saturday, 15 June 2024 | Pioneer News Service | New Delhi

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday visited the Eastern Naval Command at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh to review the operational readiness of the Indian Navy, and embarked on INS Jalashwa for a ‘Day at Sea’. It was his first outstation visit after assuming charge as defence minister for the second consecutive term.

During the ‘Day at Sea’, Rajnath witnessed the dynamic operations by various ships, submarine and aircraft of the Command, showcasing the combat capability and preparedness of the Indian Navy. He was accompanied by Navy chief Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi and Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command Vice Admiral Rajesh Pendharkar.

 Interacting with the officers and sailors of the Eastern Fleet, ri Rajnath commended the Indian Navy for being operationally ready, and emerging as the first responder in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

“Our Navy ensures that no nation suppresses another in the Indo-Pacific region or endangers its strategic autonomy on the basis of economic strength or military power. This is in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) wherein our friendly countries in the region remain safe and move forward together on the path of mutual progress,” he said.

The defence minister credited the Indian Navy for playing a crucial role in the country’s growth and raising its stature on the international stage. He made special mention of the Navy’s daring rescue operation in the Arabian Sea in March 2024, when it freed 23 Pakistani nationals from Somali pirates. This operation, he said, was a demonstration of humanity as well as the values imbibed in the Naval personnel, who come to the aid of everyone, irrespective of their nationality.

“It is a matter of great pride that our Navy is ensuring safe trade and promoting peace and prosperity in IOR. Securing free navigation, rule-based world order, anti-piracy and peace and stability in the region are our biggest objectives. The Navy is playing a crucial role in fulfilling them. India, with its increasing power, is committed to making the region as well as the entire world peaceful and prosperous,” said Rajnath.

 Elaborating further, he highlighted the Navy’s growing strength which is ensuring the security of India’s maritime borders. He also underlined the fact that India’s commercial interests are linked with the IOR, and the Navy is a means of securing the maritime borders while achieving the wider national objectives. He said national interest is of paramount importance to the Government, assuring that all possible steps will be taken to safeguard them.

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