Prestigious Prix Versailles recognises Smritivan Memorial

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Prestigious Prix Versailles recognises Smritivan Memorial

Monday, 17 June 2024 | Archana Jyoti | New Delhi

The memory of the victims of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake and their spirited fight against the natural disaster has been preserved on a global scale, with the prestigious Prix Versailles Award recognizing the Smritivan Earthquake Memorial Museum constructed to pay tributes to the disaster-hit people as one of the world's seven most beautiful museums.

This accolade celebrates the museum's architectural excellence and its role in commemorating the tragedy when nearly 13,000 people during the earthquake on January 26, 2001, which had its epicentre in Bhuj died.

The grand structure, which is the first such memorial in the country, is spread over 470 acres on Bhujio Hill near Bhuj town. The memorial carries names of the people who lost their lives during the earthquake. It also has a state-of-the-art Smriti Van Earthquake Museum.

In a heartfelt post on social media platform 'X', Union Home Minister Amit Shah remarked that the listing will help spread the "fragrance of the memories" of those lost in the tragic earthquake across the world. Shah acknowledged the museum as a testament to resilience and remembrance, envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"It is a touching moment for all of us as Smritivan in Kutch finds a place in the prestigious World Selection for the Prix Versailles Museums 2024.

"Envisioned by PM Shri @narendramodi Ji, Smritivan is a museum that preserves the memories of the people we lost in the devastating earthquake in 2001. Its inclusion in the World Selection for the Prix Versailles Museums 2024 will spread the fragrance of their memories worldwide," he said.

Modi too lauded the inclusion, highlighting the museum's role in preserving the memory of the 2001 earthquake victims and expressed pride in this international recognition.

The museum stands as a solemn tribute to the thousands of lives lost during the devastating earthquake that struck Bhuj in Gujarat in 2001. It serves as a place for reflection and remembrance, providing a space where visitors can learn about the impact of the disaster and the resilience of the affected communities.

Designed to honor the memories of the earthquake victims, the museum's architecture and exhibits reflect the cultural heritage of Kutch and the resilience of its people. The recognition by the Prix Versailles highlights its aesthetic and emotional impact on a global stage.

Being listed among the world's most beautiful museums by the Prix Versailles positions the Smritivan Museum alongside other globally renowned cultural landmarks.

The Prix Versailles is an international award that recognizes outstanding architecture and design in various categories, including museums, shopping malls, and restaurants. It is known for celebrating buildings that combine architectural beauty with cultural and social significance.

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