For the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar Pradesh, 2024 will be remembered as a year of mixed fortunes. The party witnessed a significant decline in its Lok Sabha tally, dropping from 62 seats in 2019 to 32. The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) also saw a reduction, with its total seats in the state falling from 64 to 36. This dip diminished Uttar Pradesh’s commanding presence in national politics. For the first time in his political career spanning from Chief Minister to Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, MP from Varanasi, had to head a coalition government where the BJP lacked an absolute majority.
The year marked a historic moment for the BJP, as it became the second-largest party in Uttar Pradesh after a decade. The setback was particularly poignant, as the party even lost the Faizabad (Ayodhya) seat—a symbolic constituency given its connection to the Ram Janmabhoomi movement. Political analysts saw this loss as a wake-up call for the party, emphasizing the need for recalibrating its electoral strategy. However, the BJP managed to end the year on a high note by securing seven out of nine seats in the state assembly by-elections. This victory allowed the party to regain its position as the leading political force in Uttar Pradesh, offering a glimmer of hope amid a challenging year.
The year began with optimism for the BJP, bolstered by the consecration ceremony of Ramlala at his birthplace in Ayodhya. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s role as the main host for the event was a defining moment. For the first time in independent India, a Prime Minister publicly aligned with the sentiments of the country’s majority community.
The unprecedented nature of this move was underscored by comparisons to the objections raised by India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, during the re-establishment of the Somnath temple. Nehru had refrained from attending the event and even discouraged the President from participating. In stark contrast, Modi’s presence at the Ramlala consecration symbolized a revolutionary shift in the political narrative.
This event generated immense enthusiasm among the BJP cadre and supporters, creating an atmosphere where Modi’s slogan of crossing 400 seats in the Lok Sabha seemed achievable. Yet, the electoral reality fell short of these expectations, with the party’s reduced tally signaling the need for introspection.
The assembly by-elections later in the year proved to be a turning point. Under the leadership of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the BJP reclaimed its dominance by winning seven out of nine contested seats. The Chief Minister’s hands-on approach, including direct communication with party workers and meticulous planning for each constituency, played a pivotal role in this success.
“The by-election results reflect not just Yogi Adityanath’s administrative acumen but also his ability to galvanize the organization in challenging times,” said a senior BJP leader. The results served as a testament to Adityanath’s leadership and offered a morale boost for the party as it looked ahead to 2025.
From an organizational perspective, 2024 was a year of learning for the BJP. The party faced criticism for its inability to translate Modi’s popularity into votes across all regions of Uttar Pradesh. “The year taught us valuable lessons about complacency and the importance of grassroots engagement,” admitted a BJP strategist. “It’s a reminder that even a strong leader’s appeal needs to be complemented by robust on-ground efforts.”
As the party charts its course for the future, the setbacks of 2024 are being viewed as opportunities for recalibration. The BJP’s ability to turn defeat into a rallying cry will define its trajectory in the coming years.
While 2024 ended on a mixed note for the BJP, the year’s experiences have set the stage for a reinvigorated approach to Uttar Pradesh’s complex political landscape. The party’s ability to adapt, strategize, and rebuild will determine whether it can reclaim its former dominance in the state. For now, 2024 stands as a year of introspection, resilience, and hard-earned lessons for the BJP in Uttar Pradesh.