After poll rout, CPI(M) to launch comeback drive

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After poll rout, CPI(M) to launch comeback drive

Friday, 21 June 2024 | Kumar Chellappan | KOCHI

The five-day long brain storming session convened by the CPI(M) to analyse the reasons behind its debacle in the recent Lok Sabha election concluded on Thursday at Thiruvananthapuram with M V Govindan, the Kerala strongman declaring that the party would stage a strong comeback soon.

Come July 2, the CPI(M) would launch a massive operation to strengthen and streamline the party by holding booth level conclaves across the State, according to Govindan.  

“The Eezhava community and a section of the Christians in Kerala voted for the BJP. This is the reason for the defeat of the LDF candidate at Thrissur. We have information that the RSS has infiltrated into the SNDP Yogam of the Eezhava community and the Christians to sabotage the voting pattern,” said Govindan, Kerala party secretary while briefing the media about the deliberations which were attended by party’s top bosses Sitaram Yechury and   Prakash Karat.

Govindan lambasted the opposition parties and the RSS for singling out Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his family members for attacking the CPI(M).

“The baseless allegations of corruption and nepotism against the Chief Minister upset the traditional voters of the CPI(M). The charges that Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his daughter were receiving money shocked the voters. The five-day long conclave of the party expressed full confidence on the chief minister. It is utterly wrong to say that the chief minister’s style of functioning has cost the party dearly in the elction. He has his own style of functioning developed over a period of time and there is nothing wrong in it,” said Govindan.

He said the delay in the disbursement of pension to retired government servants and the social pension meant for the poorer sections of the electorate has caused many inconveniences to the people. “But we will have a course correction and rectify the errors and failures pointed out by the party leaders and grassroot level workers. No attack on the chief minister’s style of functioning will be allowed by us,” asserted the party secretary.

According to Govindan, the CPI(M) in its bid to strengthen the party infrastructure and the inspire the party activists would hold people’s collective across the State starting from 2nd July.

“These people’s collectives would be held from the local level to the State level and the party’s top leaders would have serious exchanges of ideas with the grassroot level workers,” said Govindan.

The CPI(M) functions in a military like precision with the party structure divided as branch committee, local committees, area committee, district committees, State Committee and State Secretariat.

A membership in the State Secretariat is considered as the holy grail by ordinary workers and commands big respect from the society. A member of the branch committee  is widely respected by the local police station.

He said a recharged and renewed CPI(M) would take on its rivals in the upcoming elections. The State is about to witness election to the local bodies within months and the assembly election in 2026. Govindan said the party machinery would be strengthened to meet the two elections to ensure the return of LDF and install Vijayan 3.0.

The CPI(M) is the first political party in the State to hold post-poll analyses after the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.

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