Are you planning to opt for a personal loan? Before you go to the nearest branch, you will want to know the interest rates for the loan. A wide variety of factors influences personal loan interest rates set by the bank, including changes in an economy.
Macro-economic factors such as inflation, recession, and global market trends can affect the interest that an individual has to pay on a micro level. As a consumer, you must know the impact of these macro-economic changes andhow they can affect your borrowing journey.
Economic Changes and Their Effect on Personal Loan Interest Rates
Here’s a closer look at key economic factors and their effects on personal loan interest rates.
1. High Inflation: The increase in the prices of goods and services over time is called inflation. During times of inflation, the purchasing power of money reduces. To counter inflation, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) often raises its repo rate (the rate at which it lends funds to commercial banks) and interest rates to discourage borrowing and reduce spending. Over time, this may help control inflation.
The latest repo rate as set by the RBI is 6.50%, which has remained the same since 8th February 2023.
Thus, if inflation is rising, banks may increase personal loan rates to offset the higher cost of lending. This will make personal loans more expensive for consumers, leading to reduced borrowing.
2. Recession: In times of recession, economic growth slows down, which leads to reduced consumer spending and investment. As a response to this, the RBI often lowers interest rates to stimulate the economy and encourage borrowing and investment.
As the RBI reduces the rate at which it lends money to banks, the banks also decrease personal loan interest rates. The result is that consumers find it more affordable to access funds, leading to a potential boost in economic activity.
If you are planning to opt for an instant personal loan, a period of low repo ratemay be ideal. However, you must also take other factors into consideration.
3. Economic Growth: As the economy recovers from a downturn and seeks an upward direction, the result is that businesses expand, and consumers spend more. In a growing economy, the demand for loans usually increases as consumers need more funds. Hence, banks may adjust interest rates accordingly.
Usually, the interest rates may rise for a personal loan, as the demand is high and banks are more confident of the borrowers’ ability to repay.
In a growing economy, many people opt for personal loans to fund new opportunities, such as education or business expansion. However, it is essential to use a personal loan calculator to understand the impact of the existing interest rates on your total repayment amount.
4. Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the availability of funds within a financial system. When liquidity is high, meaning banks have easy access to funds, they are more likely to lend at lower interest rates. Conversely, when liquidity is tight, personal loan interest rates rise as banks seek to conserve their resources.
5. Changes in Global Market Trends: In an era of globalisation, major changes in one economy on one side of the globe can impact several economies on the other side.
Global events, such as changes in the U.S. Federal Reserve’s interest rates or international trade disruptions, can affect Indian interest rates indirectly. Similarly, when there is instability in global markets, countries like India often respond to prevent adverse effects on the domestic economy.
As a result, personal loan interest rates in India may fluctuate in response to global economic conditions.
How to Make the Most of Economic Changes for Optimal Borrowing?
Here’s how you can leverage economic changes to your advantage:
1. Borrow During Low-Interest Periods: In times of economic slowdown or high liquidity, personal loan interest rates are often lower. If you are considering a personal loan, these periods could offer the best rates.
2. Opt for Fixed Interest Rates in Inflationary Times: If inflation is expected to rise, consider a personal loan with a fixed interest rate. This will lock in a lower rate and protect you from future rate hikes.
3. Observe Economic Indicators: Monitoring economic indicators such as the inflation rate, RBI announcements, and liquidity measures can help you get a better insight into upcoming interest rate trends. This way, you can time your borrowing decision for more favourable rates.
Other Factors that Affect Your Personal Loan Interest Rates
While economic conditions are critical, there are other individual factors at play in determining your personal loan interest rates, such as:
1. Credit Score: A higher credit score often leads to lower interest rates, as it shows the borrower’s financial reliability.
2. Loan Tenure: Shorter loan tenures may come with lower rates, while longer terms may have slightly higher rates due to extended risk.
3. Income and Employment Stability: Lenders look at your income stability when determining interest rates. Higher income and solid job stability can have a favourable effect on your personal loan interest.
4. Repayment History: How well you have repaid your loans and credit in the past can also affect the interest rates for your new personal loan.
5. Lender: The interest rate varies from lender to lender and may even differ between the various loan products of one lender.
If you are ready to opt for a personal loan, consider IndusInd Bank with its competitive interest rates and a variety of personal loan options designed to meet your needs. Whether you want to fund your dreams or want to take care of a financial emergency, their personal loan application process is curated to help you have a smooth and hassle-free borrowing experience.
In a developing economy like India, change is often the only constant. As the RBI work towards stabilising the Indian economy and spur it towards growth, the effects of those decisions have a domino effect on the actions of commercial banks and financial institutions. As a consumer, you must understand the impact of these changes on your personal loan rates so that you make a borrowing decision that optimises your finances.