EV Cars: Understanding Range, Charging, and Maintenance

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EV Cars: Understanding Range, Charging, and Maintenance

Friday, 21 June 2024 | Agencies

EV Cars: Understanding Range, Charging, and Maintenance

Electric vehicles (EVs) have transformed the automobile industry by providing a cleaner, more sustainable alternative to traditional diesel or petrol-powered vehicles. From their humble origins to the complex technology in current EVs, the transition to electric mobility transforms our thoughts about transportation. This article will examine the essential elements of electric vehicles (EVs), such as their range, charging infrastructure, maintenance needs, etc. Understanding the subtleties of EV technology is critical in making the transition to a greener, more efficient future on the road.

Range and Battery Capacity

Range is one of the most prominent concerns among potential EV buyers, as is the vehicle's range or how far it can go on a single charge. Various factors, including battery capacity, driving conditions, and driving style, determine an electric vehicle's range. The core of an EV is its battery pack, which dictates its total range. Larger battery packs often have greater ranges. Most current EVs have battery capacities ranging from 40 kWh to more than 100 kWh, with ranges ranging from 150 to 300 km on a single charge. For instance, the Tata Tigor EV offers a range of 315 km/full charge. The Tigor EV price varies between Rs 13.04 L - Rs 14.34 L, which is not at all a bad deal considering the range it offers.

Driving Conditions and Style

Temperature, geography, and driving habits may all greatly influence an electric vehicle's range. Extreme hot and cold temperatures can impair battery efficiency and, thus, range. Similarly, travelling at high speeds or over steep terrain will quickly drain the battery, lowering the total range. 

How you drive your EV also influences its range. Aggressive acceleration, frequent braking, and high-speed driving can drain more energy, reducing range. Adopting an eco-friendly driving style, such as moderate acceleration and regenerative braking, will help you get the most out of your battery. 


Charging an EV is simple, but understanding the various charging levels and accompanying periods is critical for a smooth experience. When it comes to charging, you have options that allow you to charge the EV conveniently. Home charging is both handy and comfortable. Public charging may take a little longer, but it's ideal for pit stops on a road trip.

●    Level 1 Charging: Level 1 charging uses a typical home 120V plug, which is the slowest charging mode. It generally provides 4 to 8 km of range every hour of charging, making it ideal for overnight charging at home or topping off the battery on longer trips.
●    Level 2 Charging: Level 2 charging requires a 240V outlet, comparable to those used for electric dryers and ovens. This charging technique is faster than Level 1, providing between 16 and 40 km of range per hour, depending on the car and charging equipment. Many EV owners choose Level 2 home chargers for faster, more convenient charging.
●    DC Fast Charging: DC fast charging stations are ideal for extended excursions or when you need to charge quickly. These powerful chargers may deliver up to 300 km of range in as little as 15-30 minutes, depending on the vehicle's battery capacity and the charging station's output. However, it is crucial to note that frequent DC rapid charging may shorten the battery's lifespan over time.

Maintenance Tips for Electric Vehicles

●    Routine Maintenance for EVs

Maintaining an electric vehicle (EV) requires a lot of attention. Regular maintenance includes inspecting the battery, tyres, and brakes and ensuring that all electronic systems are in good shape. To keep your

EV working smoothly over time, plan frequent service visits.

●    Common Maintenance Issues and Solutions

EVs may require software updates on occasion. Have no fear! Most problems may be fixed with a simple reset or software update. For more sophisticated issues, check with your EV manufacturer or an EV-savvy technician to quickly get your vehicle back on the road.

Do Electric Cars Cost Less to Maintain Than Petrol/Diesel Cars?

Looking at long-term savings, electric cars outperform conventional fuel vehicles. While a traditional combustion engine may comprise around 2,000 moving parts, an EV's powertrain can function with fewer than 20 components. Reducing moving parts diminishes wear and tear over time, resulting in lower maintenance costs for electric cars. The primary maintenance expense for an EV pertains to its battery pack. Over time, lithium-ion batteries gradually lose their ability to retain charge. Typically, a lithium-ion battery can maintain a consistent driving range of over 100,000 kilometres. Beyond that point, replacing the battery pack may become necessary.

Electric Car Maintenance

Below are the factors contributing to the cost-effectiveness of maintaining electric cars compared to petrol/diesel cars.

1. Minimal Powertrain Maintenance
Electric cars are powered by electric motors, typically on the vehicle's axle, which drive the wheels directly. Since they operate on electricity, these motors generally demand minimal maintenance unless they encounter specific issues. This differs from the maintenance needs of petrol or diesel engines. 

2. Lesser Transmission Maintenance
In contrast to petrol/diesel engines, EVs utilise significantly simpler gearboxes. The instantaneous torque provided by the electric motor eliminates the necessity for a traditional multi-speed gearbox, resulting in many EVs being equipped with a single-speed gearbox. 

The straightforward design of an EV transmission simplifies maintenance considerably. There is no need to concern yourself with the routine servicing typically associated with traditional gearboxes. Some modern EVs omit gearbox servicing altogether from their maintenance manuals.

3. Fewer Brake Repairs
Another maintenance benefit of EVs compared to petrol/diesel cars is the decreased need for brake system services. Primarily, electric cars utilise regenerative brakes, which harness the energy generated from wheel deceleration and transfer it back to the battery pack.

When decelerating an EV, the electric motor momentarily reverses direction, effectively transforming into an electric generator. Consequently, the battery receives energy in the form of a charge. This not only extends the lifespan of the brakes but also enhances battery efficiency.

In summary, electric cars feature electric motors, single-speed transmissions, and regenerative brakes, all of which contribute to reducing maintenance costs.


As the world continues to shift towards sustainable transportation, understanding the nuances of EV ownership becomes increasingly essential. By familiarising yourself with the concepts of range, charging, and maintenance, you can make an informed decision and enjoy the benefits of electric mobility while minimising potential inconveniences. With proper knowledge and care, an EV can be a reliable, eco-friendly, cost-effective transportation solution for years. 

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