the infallible law of karma

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the infallible law of karma

Thursday, 20 June 2024 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar nikunj ji

the infallible  law of karma

Every action has a consequence, even if the timing of its return is not immediately visible

It is said that ‘Honesty is the best policy’. But sometimes people get appalled when they see a dishonest corrupt person rising to the heights of success, power and fame while a sincere and kind person toiling it out without much success. As a result, often life seems unfair and the seeming injustice turns people bitter and revengeful. However one fails to understand an important fact that the law of karma is an eternal law that works on the simple principle of cause and effect- ‘as you sow so shall you reap’.

We all know that the issue of corruption has stirred up numerous debates and agitations and attracted extensive coverage in the Indian media over the past few years. It is also a well known fact that in many countries taking and giving bribes, financial scams and misuse of public money have become a norm. Many times those involved in these activities go scot free and they lead a luxurious life and enjoy many privileges without being accountable for their nefarious deeds. But we forget that the law of karma is infallible and immutable.

As per this law every act or expression by a human being will be experienced by him/her in the same degree and nobody can escape the effects of this law.What we cannot see most of the time is how and when an action is punished or rewarded, as a result of which we get disillusioned. However, as per karmic law, sometimes the result of an action may be carried over to the next life and hence it says that there is always perfect justice in whatever happens.

This can be seen when we see someone who is born with physical, economic and social challenges, Why? Simply because past karma is carried over and experienced in the next birth. Thus, understanding the law of karma will help us to perceive life in a deeper and holistic way. Firstly, we must realise that the doer of karma is not the body but the being or the soul which is immortal and the eternal Law of karma facilitates and shapes the continuous journey or evolution of the human soul. We are here to express our true nature and experience the reward of that. Our expressions may be a subtle feeling or thought or they may be a visible action.

It is unfortunate that most people today are blind to their spiritual identity and law of karma, as a result of which they believe that they are here for one lifetime and so they can eat, drink, make merry and indulge in all pleasures through right or wrong means. But the fact is that such people may have wealth but they lack peace of mind, health and true joy. This narrow-minded limited view of human life has spawned vices such as lust, greed, ego and attachment. In the effort to have more, enjoy more and possess more, people have become totally callous about values like honesty, compassion, sharing and cooperation. Even when people suffer the result of their bad karma they do not realise that they have to improve themselves instead they blame others and become even more corrupt and vicious. If people could see in advance that each corrupt deed they commit would boomerang into a painful suffering or loss for them either in this life or in the future lifetime, they would never commit a wrong again. But they neither have the wisdom nor have the strength to live a life of total moral integrity. We must realise that richness of character is the most essential and real wealth that raises the value of human life, for, without this, a rich person may have temptations to commit more crime. But, it seems that there is little attention to these things. Today people have lost faith in God and good karma. But the law of karma is the most foolproof law that guarantees good return to those who do good. The time and place and the source from where it will come will vary. But the wheel of divine justice never fails. So, instead of seeking short-term pleasures and rewards through corrupt deeds let us live a righteous life and reap the fruit of abundant joy and wellbeing.

(The writer is a spiritual educator & popular columnist; views are personal)

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