The enduring musical heritage of the legends

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The enduring musical heritage of the legends

Tuesday, 16 January 2024 | Rajdeep Pathak

The enduring musical heritage of the legends

Both Ustad Rashid Khan and Dr Prabha Atre played pivotal roles in globalising Indian classical music, taking it beyond geographical confines

The news of the passing away of Ustad Rashid Khan on January 9, 2024, came as a big jolt to the entire fraternity of Indian classical music. As tributes poured in – and continue – again the tragic news of the passing away of Dr Prabha Atre on January 13, 2024, has left all of us in shock. This recent departure of two stalwarts, Ustad Rashid Khan and Dr Prabha Atre, has left an indelible void that resonates through the hearts of music enthusiasts globally. These legendary artists were not just virtuosos in their respective domains, but torchbearers who illuminated the path of classical music with their innovative prowess, dedication, and profound ‘sadhana’.

Ustad Rashid Khan, a name synonymous with the enchanting strains of Hindustani classical music, embarked on his musical journey from a lineage steeped in tradition. Hailing from the illustrious ‘Rampur-Sahaswan Gharana’, Rashid Khan was a maestro par excellence, wielding the sarangi of his soul with unparalleled finesse. The delicate fabric of his melody, woven with intricate raag renditions, left audiences spellbound and created a timeless legacy.

One cannot help but marvel at Ustad Rashid Khan's mesmerizing exploration of diverse raags, each performance a celestial journey. His rendition of the timeless raag Yaman, or raag Durga for instance, transcended the boundaries of time and space, echoing the purity and precision that defined his artistry. The maestro's command over the intricacies of taal and laya, coupled with the soul-stirring alaaps, revealed a musical genius at the zenith of his craft.

Similarly, Dr Prabha Atre, on the other hand, was a luminary in the realm of Hindustani classical vocal music. Her velvety voice and impeccable command over various raags marked her as a true proponent of her Kirana gharana which she proudly represented. Dr. Atre's journey began in the vibrant cultural milieu of Pune, where she imbibed the essence of the ‘Kirana Gharana’, ultimately crafting her unique style.

One cannot discuss Dr. Prabha Atre's contributions without acknowledging her groundbreaking research and dedication to the art form. Her scholarly pursuits delved into the intricacies of raag structures, laying the foundation for an enriched understanding of the classical repertoire. Her treatises and writings became invaluable resources for students and scholars alike, elevating the discourse surrounding Indian classical music. Dr Atre's dedication to her craft manifested in her rigorous ‘sadhana’ – a term encapsulating the disciplined and continuous practice that defines the life of a true artist – manifested during her renditions of complex ragas like Maru Bihag or Jogia which became a testament to the countless hours spent honing her craft, transcending the realm of mere performance to attain a spiritual communion with the divine through music.

Ustad Rashid Khan and Dr. Prabha Atre globalized Indian classical music, transcending borders through collaborations and performances. Rashid Khan's duets with Yo-Yo Ma highlighted music's universality. Dr. Atre, through captivating international performances, spread classical music globally, fostering understanding and appreciation for this ancient art form beyond geographical confines.

Maestros Ustad Rashid Khan and Dr. Prabha Atre, honoured with prestigious awards like Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan, exemplify unparalleled dedication and artistic brilliance, celebrated through numerous accolades. Ustad Rashid Khan and Dr. Prabha Atre’s departure from the earthly world has left an irreplaceable void in the world of Indian classical music. Their legacy, however, lives on through the timeless melodies and profound impact they have left on generations of music enthusiasts. Farewell!

(The writer is a programme executive, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, views are personal)

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