the Power of Spiritual Practices

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the Power of Spiritual Practices

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 | ajit kumar Bishnoi

the  Power of  Spiritual Practices

These practices provide a pathway to inner strength and a connection with the Divine

We wonder or should if we can experience the effects of spiritual activities, if we do them. There are many such activities. I have chosen ten most prominent ones to detail what they do for us. Additionally, I will try to indicate what they do in totality even if we choose only some of them, depending upon their suitability to us. Our natures are determining factors in both choosing them and our ability to do them over a long period of time. After all, their effect is not gross like eating a sweet and enjoying its taste. All spiritual activities leave subtle effect on us, but can be experienced. The only condition is to be open-minded. A negative or critical attitude will prevent realizing their effects.

Beginning with praying, this is most natural to do; even children pray when troubled or are in need of something. Does God respond? He surely does but not necessarily in ways we desire, because we must deserve what we seek.

Our effort will not go to waste. The next is remembering; we all do. It is so natural; God is very much part of our lives at least for us Indians – the blessed lot. Why? Because spirituality is never far from us from childhood itself; it is in our blood. Reward will be similar to praying. The third is having ‘darshan’ (seeing) of a Deity in a temple. A good percentage of us have a pooja ghar in our homes, where we can have darshan easily. Rest of us, at least most of us, have calendars with photos of God’s ‘avatars’ (incarnations). The immediate benefit is that we feel good and hopeful. Seeing God is that wonderful.

The fourth most common spiritual activity is to chant God’s names or just Ohm. This has such an effect that once started, one will continue repeating names like Rama. We, Indians, almost always do ‘naman’ (namaskar), especially, when we are in front of a Deity. What does it do? The most wonderful thing, which it does is to inculcate humility in us, thus keeping our egos in check. Many of us thank God if something good happens in our lives. What it does is to make us deserving of more good times, and they surely come. Reading scriptures is not that common, but is not that rare also. Hanuman Chalisa is very popular; I started my spiritual journey in this life by memorizing Hanuman Chalisa.

 Another popular spiritual activity is hearing (sermons) in temples or other places. They make us wiser. The last one is doing ‘dhyan’ (meditation). Its benefits are widely known and do not require repetition.

Now turning to overall benefits of doing spiritual activities. When we do them, we gain the company of God. Aren’t we connecting with Him? Spiritual energy will flow into us. This is very special, because it increases our ‘atmabala’ (inner strength).

Additionally, God takes notice of us, just as a principal notices a bright or a talented student. We remain in His watch, if we are sincere in progressing on this path. Lord begins to promote us, as He did in my case. The concept of big picture was taking root.

Faith in God began increasing, as did faith in the ‘Karmaphala Principle’. I began to understand what fate was, i.e. accumulated karmaphala over past lives, which had yet to come to fruition. I also realized that God does not interfere in their coming, but can help us to successfully deal with them. Maya’s influence began to lessen, and the ‘dhundha’ (ignorance) was not so overpowering. I became encouraged to seek guidance from God about what I should be doing, rather than whimsically deciding my actions. Dharma began to come naturally to me, as did praying earnestly for help. I knew in my heart that I was very small, helpless, ignorant and unsafe. Only God can help, and He began taking care of me. Not only that, He began using me as His ‘nimitta’ (instrument). I was encouraged to write spiritual texts, about which my Lord began to guide.

 (The writer is a spiritual teacher; views are personal)

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