Rediscovering the joy of reading

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Rediscovering the joy of reading

Monday, 24 June 2024 | Shainy Sharma

Rediscovering the  joy of reading

Reading habits offer countless benefits, from intellectual stimulation to overall wellbeing

Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. Cultivating a habit of reading can have numerous positive effects on our life starting from intellectual stimulation to emotional well-being. Finding time to read regularly is a valuable investment in oneself, whether one prefers to use physical books or e-books. There is no warmer feeling than reading your favourite book on a rainy day, covered in a cozy blanket with a cup of coffee in hand. The smell of fresh books, hiding pieces of an old love such as dry flowers, old photographs and hazy letters as bookmarks for books as they say have and will always be eternal gifts. In a world hustling and bursting with technological advancements every now and then, the way everyone engages with literature has undergone a significant transformation. The traditional means of reading a book have found themselves in tug-of-war with their digital and audio counterparts. Today, carrying a book library in the pocket makes it easier for people to access a wide range as per their convenience thereby removing the biggest barrier of travelling to a bookstore or a library and then selecting for the favourite one.

Moreover, e-books provide an environmentally friendly access when compared to physical books, as they reduce the demand for paper, which significantly reduces the demand for wood pulp from trees and transportation from printing facilities to distribution centres and then to bookstores or directly to consumers. Moreover, the production of physical books involves various materials and processes, including ink, chemicals and packaging materials, which can generate waste and pollution. E-books do not involve these manufacturing processes, thereby reducing the environmental footprint associated with production and waste disposal.While reading e-books requires electronic devices that consume energy, the environmental impact can be mitigated by using energy-efficient devices, renewable energy sources for charging and by considering the longer lifespan and potential reuse of electronic devices compared to physical books.

But what depresses the most is when these e-books are available on devices such as a tablet or a phone resulting in the biggest sources of distraction and thereby reducing the focused reading time. Moreover such devices also offer multimedia enhancements (like videos or interactive elements), which can either enhance or distract from the reading experience, depending on individual preferences. Some people prefer the tactile experience of physical books.

Several research and studies reflect a complex interplay of factors influencing the preference for e-books versus physical books. Physical books tend to offer better comprehension, retention and a more comfortable reading experience, while e-books provide convenience, portability and cost efficiency. The choice between the two often depends on the specific needs and preferences of the reader. Instead of immersing oneself in a book, social media browsing encourages quick, fragmented reading of short posts or articles, which can ultimately diminish the habit of sustained, deep reading. The immediate gratification and constant novelty of social media can make reading books seem less appealing or rewarding by comparison.

Even when attempting to read, the temptation to check social media notifications or browse feeds can interrupt concentration and disrupt the reading experience.

It's important to note that the environmental impact of e-books versus physical books can vary depending on factors such as the energy efficiency of devices used, the source of electricity and how frequently devices are replaced but what matters is that the user also recognise the unique benefits of physical books, leading to a balanced approach where both formats coexist in their reading habits.

There's no better way to learn, evolve and relax than reading books.

(The writer is an educator, views are personal)

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