Overcoming child sexual abuse stigma

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Overcoming child sexual abuse stigma

Saturday, 08 June 2024 | Smita Bharti

Overcoming child sexual abuse stigma

The profound and lasting impacts of child sexual abuse necessitate dismantling systemic barriers and fostering supportive environments

According to the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, 64,469 victims were reported in 2022 under the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act. Despite the alarming prevalence of reported cases of Child Sexual Abuse, it remains hidden behind layers of denial, silence, stigma and shame as the issue is deeply rooted in societal structures, such as patriarchy and gender bias, which often prioritize family honour and silence over confronting abuse.

Research suggests that 90 per cent of the perpetrators are known to the child, such as family members, trusted neighbours, or teachers. These individuals often hold positions of trust and responsibility, making it even more challenging to address the issue.

Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a serious issue that affects many individuals. Research highlights the profound and lasting impacts of CSA, including detrimental effects on mental health, emotional stability and social functioning, which can persist into adulthood if not properly addressed. Addressing child sexual abuse requires dismantling these systemic barriers and promoting an open, supportive environment that prioritizes the well-being and rights of children.

Recognizing the Signs of Sexual Abuse:

Understanding the signs that a child may have been subjected to sexual abuse is the first step in addressing this grave issue. Sudden changes in behaviour can be indicative of underlying abuse. Children may exhibit a range of physical and emotional behavioural changes like:

*Unexplained injuries or bruises in the genital or anal area.

*Sudden changes in behaviour such as withdrawal, unusually quietness, aggression, or depression.

*Nightmares or bedwetting.

*Displaying knowledge or interest in sexual acts beyond their age.

*Avoidance of specific people or places.

*Sudden decline in academic performance.

These signs may vary depending on the child’s age, personality and the nature of the abuse. It’s essential to be alert to these changes and maintain open communication with a child, create a safe environment for disclosure and take any disclosure seriously.

Preventing The Abuse:

Preventing child sexual abuse (CSA) demands a collective effort where the responsibility doesn’t solely fall on children. There are steps parents, caregivers and trusted adults can take to minimize the risk and empower their children in navigating this complex world. The stigma and shame attached to sex and sexuality often translate into not having open conversations with children and giving them the appropriate vocabulary to express such concerns. On one hand, it makes it difficult for them to articulate if they’ve experienced abuse and on the other it hinders prevention.

It is important to start conversations about body autonomy, boundaries and consent from an early age. Teaching children the proper names for their body parts and emphasizing the power of saying “no” to any touch that feels uncomfortable or unwanted is important. However, the onus of preventing  CSA cannot and should not solely rest on the child. Building a foundation of open communication is equally essential from the parents’ side. This is possible only when adults create a safe and nurturing environment where a child feels comfortable expressing any concerns or discomfort they may have.Adults must take responsibility for creating safe spaces and intervening when they suspect abuse may be occurring. Child sexual abuse shatters a child’s sense of safety and trust. It can leave them feeling confused, ashamed and isolated.As a caregiver, the first step is to acknowledge the gravity of the situation. Recognising the abuse and validating their experience is crucial.

(The writer is executive director, Sakshi- a rights-based NGO; views are personal)

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