Ideological struggle or political blunder

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Ideological struggle or political blunder

Thursday, 21 March 2024 | Kumar Chellappan

Ideological struggle or political blunder

The CPI in Kerala finds itself embroiled in an ideological conundrum, grappling with stark contradictions within its leadership

The ruling CPI(M) in Kerala is in a state of confusion. The party, described as the world’s largest and most powerful Marxist outfit, finds itself speaking in different voices over its main enemy. While E P Jayarajan, the convenor of the Left Democratic Front who is also an intellectual giant declared that the Lok Sabha election is being fought between the socialist, secular and democratic CPI(M) and the “communal” BJP, chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan and the female face of the party K K Shylaja claim that the battle is between the Marxists and the Congress. The CPI(M)’s State Secretary M V Govindan, the lower primary school drill master who is the chief ideologist of the global Left movement also declared that Jayarajan was wrong and the true fight was between his party and the GOP.

Jayarajan was shocked and shattered as the party’s leadership washed their hands off his outburst. Remember, he is the one who gave up his health and youth to fight the communalists. Whenever serious corruption charges are made against the party leadership, it is Jayarajan who appears like a sumo fighter for justifying the CPI(M). His quotes and one-liners remain eternal classics in the growth history of the party. When the CPI(M) leadership was caught red-handed for accepting cash and kind from businessmen like Santiago Martin (yes, the same Martin who has been named as one of the biggest purchasers of electoral Bonds), comrade Jayarajan was the one who took the party’s class enemies head-on. “You cannot build the party by consuming black tea and daal vada,” declared Jayarajan bringing the curtain down once and forever on the controversy.

When the chief minister, Shylaja and Govindan came out with synchronised statements rubbishing his views, a baffled Jayarajan disappeared from public glare for three days and declared after he resurfaced that the media had distorted his statement. This is the easiest way out for the Marxists who are caught in putting the foot in the mouth syndrome- blame the media. Since the media persons are unanimous in their opinion that the party is always right, no one dares to challenge the version of the commissars. In Kerala, the general feeling is that the CPI(M) is an intellectual powerhouse and only the leaders understand what they speak.

Jayarajan hogged global headlines during his avatar as industries minister in the first Pinarayi Vijayan government (2016-2021). He was the minister for sports and a channel reporter approached him for his message on the demise of Mohammed Ali, the boxing star of the 1960s and 1970s. “I am shocked over the untimely demise of Mohammed Ali. He has brought many laurels to India by winning gold medals in many international events. We will make all arrangements to bring his body back to Kerala,” declared the sports minister.

Though the CPI(M) has its presence only in Kerala, the party leaders are always at the forefront of making comments about happenings in Latin America, Africa, and Europe. People in Argentina where he was born and Cuba, where he served as minister for industries, have forgotten him. But the comrades in Kerala adore Guevera as an icon. Aleida, his daughter by his second wife, was taken aback when she saw hundreds of volunteers of the CPI(M) spotting her dad’s picture on their T-shirts. It is another fact that none of them know who this character Guevera is.

The comrades in Kerala need a re-education in history because for them Josef Stalin, Mao, Fidel Castro etc are deme gods. This is the result of the long-drawn-out indoctrination through party study classes where black tea and daal vada are served free of cost. One needs intelligence and common sense to identify one’s real enemies.

(The writer is special correspondent with the Pioneer, views are personal)

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