G7 Summit and the Global South

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G7 Summit and the Global South

Friday, 21 June 2024 | Kumardeep Banerjee

G7 Summit and  the Global South

The Summit acknowledged the critical role of the Global South

The recent G7 meeting held in picturesque Apulia, Italy, had several pointers on the recent geopolitical shifts and changing equations between some of the most powerful nations in the world. Yes, the meme-worthy, Pictures of Stares, Namaskars and Parachute Landings, kept the social media alive and brought energy to an otherwise, boring round of meetings and dinners of world leaders, discussing topics of shared interest, the underlining points were not missed.

First, the clear focus of the meeting, as highlighted in the joint communique was Ukraine to send some tough messages to China and other parties working covertly with Russia. In a not-so-veiled message and directly naming China the Joint Statement read “We will continue taking measures against actors in China and third countries that materially support Russia’s war machine, including financial institutions, consistent with our legal systems and other entities in China that facilitate Russia’s acquisition of items for its defense industrial base. We reiterate that entities, including financial institutions, that facilitate Russia’s acquisition of items or equipment for its defense industrial base are supporting actions that undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Accordingly, we will impose restrictive measures consistent with our legal systems to prevent abuse and restrict access to our financial systems for targeted individuals and entities in third countries, including Chinese entities, that engage in this activity. “The message to China was, don’t keep playing with fire, as one day, it may singe you. It may be worth mentioning that the US has undertaken several export control measures to prevent the transfer of high-tech equipment to China, which have dual-purpose utilities, i.e. can be used for making precision weapons as well as cyber surveillance tools. China was the only large economy, (not so direct a party to the Russia-Ukraine war), which was absent from the G7 summit.

Recently Chinese President Xi Jinping undertook a tour of several European countries to ease the tariff-related issues, imposed by several European nations, against Chinese electrical vehicles. While some nations in Europe are committed to the US-led vision of hard measures on China, several others are on the fringe, tilting towards China.

Meanwhile, this G7 summit, in a backhanded compliment of sorts, for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of inclusion of Global South countries in world affairs, reiterated the importance of African nations and pledged several measures to boost the economic prosperity of the region. The Joint Statement Stated “We endorse African countries’ call for greater voice in international bodies and welcome the AU’s participation in the G20 as a permanent member and the creation of a third Chair for sub-Saharan Africa at the IMF Executive Board in November. We reiterate our support for the G20 Compact with Africa, as a tool to increase private sector investments, promote structural reforms and local entrepreneurship support and enhance cooperation, including in the energy sector.”

PM Modi who was also in Apulia, as a special invitee, in his brief outreach session addressed highlighted the preeminence of Global South countries. He said “The countries of the Global South are bearing the brunt of global uncertainties and tensions. India has considered it its responsibility to place the priorities and concerns of the countries of the Global South on the world stage. We have given high priority to Africa in these efforts. We are proud that the G-20, under India’s chairmanship, made the African Union a permanent member. India has been contributing to the economic and social development, stability and security of all African countries and will continue to do so.”

A new world order with multiple voices opining on global matters, at a time when existing political structures are being challenged domestically, was one clear message from the G7 meeting in Italy.

(The writer is a policy analyst; views are personal)

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