Benefits of remaining in shelter of God

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Benefits of remaining in shelter of God

Thursday, 27 June 2024 | ajit kumar bishnoi

Benefits of remaining in shelter of God

By seeking refuge in the divine, we can navigate the complexities of life with ease

All of us wish for a pleasant life (‘theek chale’). But we don’t know how. We try different things, but something or other keeps on going wrong. Is it an impossible dream? No, it is not. God, being very merciful, has indicated how this can be alone. Lord Krishna guides, “This ‘maya’ (illusory energy) of Mine is divine and very difficult to overcome. Only those, who take shelter in Me, they are able to transcend this maya.” (7.14) We get in trouble repeatedly because we are naturally attracted to harmful sense objects. Useful sense objections are fine but how do you know which these are? God gives this intelligence if we remain in His shelter, just like a mother stops her little child from harming himself.God is that eternal mother for us.

Lord Krishna informs, “After efforts of many births, a yogi in the end becomes wise, and he takes My shelter. A great soul, who considers Lord Vasudeva thus everything is very rare.” (7.19) We can get started on this journey beginning from now and God will begin to protect us. We must allow some time for it as instructed by Lord Krishna, “Steadfast in yoga, such people while always glorifying Me and endeavouring, having firm vows worship Me with devotion, offering obeisance.” (9.17) Then, what happens? God promises, “These people, who worship Me with undivided attention, meditating on Me, for these practitioners of yoga, I help in getting what one does not have and provide security of what one has.” (9.22) We get started and God gets started. It is that simple.Then, what happens? Lord Krishna states, “Fix your mind in Me only; engage your intelligence in Me; thus hereafter you will remain in Me only; there is no doubt about this.” (12.8) We get to live in God.

What does this mean? God takes care of us as our mother. Our lives will be micromanaged. One will benefit like one can never imagine, because, as indicated earlier, God is everything, not helpless like our biological mother. Over some time our consciousness will change, as detailed by Lord Krishna, “Through consciousness offering all activities to Me; practising buddhi-yoga, having taken My shelter be always in My consciousness.” (18.57) Our consciousness, which otherwise is essentially material will change to God consciousness; it will turn spiritual.When this happens, a big change will take place in our lives, as explained by Lord Krishna, “Having My consciousness, you will cross all impediments by My ‘kripa’ (grace).” (18.58) In the same verse, Lord Krishna warns, “If you will not heed on account of feeling of being the doer, you will perish.”

This is what normally happens to us human beings. We must curb our egos; God and ego do not go together. Can you imagine what privileged status we would have achieved if we heed God’s instructions? Life will become smooth (theek chalegi). We will wholeheartedly take shelter in God, as instructed by God. In all respects take shelter of God only. We neither get any peace nor liberation at some stage in our eternal journey due to our refusal to surrender to God. We will do so now.What will we do then? We will follow God’s instructions as detailed in verse #18.65, which is, “Develop My consciousness; become My devotee; make sacrifices for Me; and offer obeisance to Me. You will attain Me only. This I truly promise to you, because you are dear to Me.”

The last verse sheds light on the biggest benefit of all, in which the Lord promises, “Take My shelter only; I shall release you from all sins. Do not worry.” (18.66) Why do we get repeatedly in trouble? Why are we always worried? Because our bad karmaphalas keep on manifesting. Now what will happen? They will make their appearance and God will forgive us, and we will not be troubled much. This is like being liberated while still in our material bodies. This is simply unbelievable to even think about. I won’t stop trying to remain in the shelter of God as much as possible as fast as convenient. 

(The writer is a spiritual teacher; views are personal)

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