In a collaboration between XITE College and Tata Steel Foundation (TSF), a captivating event unfolded on Thursday as part of the "Samuday Ke Saath" initiative. This unique endeavour, nestled within the Samvaad: A Tribal Conclave ecosystem, has consistently been a source of cultural celebration and awareness for tribal communities.
The highlight of the event, a film screening attended by Nitish Kumar from TSF, served as a powerful medium to illuminate the rich tapestry of tribal culture, life, and history through audio-visual storytelling. Mr. Ashish Singh, Head of Branding & Communication at XITE College, orchestrated this year's screening with active involvement and support from Prof. Akinchan Xaxa and Prof. Amit Chaturvedi.
"Samuday Ke Saath" commenced its journey in 2015 with a mission to leverage the power of cinema in spotlighting the cultural wisdom and identity of India's tribal communities. This annual event, occurring between November 15th-19th in Jamshedpur, brings together diverse tribal communities from India and abroad.
The 1-hour-and-30-minute film screening transcended the realms of cinematic entertainment, transforming into a platform for dialogue and understanding of tribal identity. It provided an immersive audio-visual learning experience, shedding light on the extraordinary anthropological content encapsulated in these films.
Following the screening, attention turned towards the Samuday Ke Saath National Short Film Competition—an exceptional initiative inviting contributions that offer a deeper understanding of tribal communities in India through an alternative lens.
Ashish Singh expressed gratitude to the Tata Steel Foundation for their steadfast support in bringing this event to life. He acknowledged the pivotal roles played by Fr. Dr. Mukti Clarence, Prof. Akinchan Xaxa, and Prof. Amit Chaturvedi, highlighting their dedication and enthusiasm instrumental in the success of the event.
The "Samuday Ke Saath" initiative continues to stand as a beacon of cultural appreciation and an essential platform for promoting equitable and inclusive cultures. XITE College's commitment to fostering dialogue and understanding is exemplified through events like these, solidifying their dedication to these principles.