The Uttar Pradesh unit of Bharatiya Janata Party organised yoga camps at all Shakti Kendras in the state to celebrate International Yoga Day with party state president Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary taking the lead by attending the camp at Moradabad on Wednesday.
Party’s state general secretary (organisation) Dharampal Singh participated in the Yoga Day Programme in Lucknow.
Party leaders and workers performed yoga along with the local citizens, party MPs, MLAs, ministers, chairpersons and members of commissions, and members of urban bodies.
“Celebrating International Yoga Day at Shakti Kendras, the party gave the message of Sarve Santu Niramaya to the world,” BJP spokesman Manish Dixit said.
In Moradabad, Chaudhary said that yoga, the historical heritage of Indian culture, was a valuable gift given to the whole world. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has done an unimaginable task of taking it to the global platform,” he said.
“Today yoga has become the lifestyle of the whole world and now it is accepting and adopting Indian tradition, culture and knowledge,” Chaudhary said.
Dharampal Singh said yoga was the philosophy of life which connected man with the soul.
Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh led the celebration in a mini stadium in Lucknow while officials of Jal Nigam participated with the villagers at the camp sites of Jal Jeevan Mission. Over 95,000 jal samitis took part in the celebration.