The Telecom Department has imposed a fine of Rs 1.83 lakh on a telecom company action taken after a report was submitted by Cyber Police.
The main reason for this action was that the cyber police had asked the telecom company to investigate and block the suspected SIM. Actually cyber fraudsters do fraud by taking SIM cards from others' IDs. In the investigation, the police could not reach the thugs because the SIMs were at each other's addresses. Due to which the cyber police had urged the telecom company to block the suspected SIM but the telecom company was negligent in supporting police.
According to the information, while taking action against cyber criminals a year ago, the cyber police had blocked about 8 thousand suspected SIMs. In this sequence, the telecom company was also asked to block the suspected SIM. Despite this, the company did not take any concrete steps. After which a complaint was made by the cyber police to the Department of Telecom. After investigation of the matter, a fine of Rs 1.83 lakh was imposed on the telecom company.
Additional Director General of Police Yogesh Deshmukh said that in the year 2020, State Cyber Zone Gwalior had received a complaint of fraud of Rs 1. 75 lakh in the name of selling cars by giving fake advertisements on Facebook. During investigation, unknown thugs were found to have cheated using fake SIM and fake Paytm accounts issued from Shivpuri and Guna districts of Madhya Pradesh. While probing the matter, the team led by Sudhir Agarwal, Superintendent of Police, Cyber Zone, Gwalior, took action against eight accused involved in issuing fake SIMs and creating fake Paytm accounts.
Along with this, more than 20 thousand suspicious mobile numbers related to the case were also identified and their list was prepared and sent to the concerned service providers for verification.
In March 2022, 7948 SIMs of a telecom company were blocked. Later the same company blocked 239 more SIMs. But the other telecom company said in re-verification that all the sims are correct and did not take any action. On this, cyber police collected evidence and sent information to the Director General of Telecom Department.
In which the telecom officer re-investigated, in which along with blocking 583 SIMs, a fine of Rs 1.83 lakh was imposed on the telecom company. A total of 8772 suspected SIMs were blocked after investigation in this matter.