Javed Habib Salon Kadma also joined the cleanliness fortnight being run across India, organized an event on the occasion of its first anniversary. All the people involved were given an oath to keep their surroundings clean, not to use polythene, promote the environment, and make people aware about cleanliness.
Salon Director Reena Dutta said that how can we stay away from a campaign in which the entire country is involved. Taking a pledge not to use polythene in his establishment, he said that we will fulfill our social duty to make the country clean and beautiful.
Director Reena Dutta, Dr. Shazia Parveen, Saurabh Dutta, Somen Dutta, Shahzad Qureshi, Roshan, Chandan, Salman, Atif Habib, Suraj, Shanza Khan, and employees of the salon were present in the program.