To give an impetus to hire local youth from the state and to further attract investment, Haryana on Wednesday decided to increase the Employment Generation Subsidy under Haryana Enterprises and Employment Policy (HEEP) 2020 from Rs 36,000 to Rs 48,000 per employee per annum for 10 years in 'B' 'C' and 'D' category blocks. The Cabinet presided over by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, accorded approval to a proposal regarding the subsidy.
Addressing the media persons after the cabinet meeting, Khattar said that a total of 36 agenda items were placed in the cabinet meeting out of which 33 important agenda items were finalized. Additional Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Dr Amit Agrawal was also present on the occasion.
He said that the Cabinet also approved capping the net SGST Reimbursement and Investment Subsidy at 50 percent to enable the maximum net SGST reimbursement by the investors. The Employment Generation Subsidy was suggested to be provided for capacity building of state domicile skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled employees having Haryana resident certificate, who are earning not more than Rs 40,000 per month as salary on payroll or contract with valid ESI/PF number. However, after the Cabinet approval, now this subsidy will be fixed at Rs 48,000 per employee per annum for 10 years.
Further, after the approval of the Council of Ministers, the change in the quantum of SGST and employment generation subsidy will be applicable for industries that have gone into commercial production on or after April 1.
While for industries that have already applied and are availing incentives under SGST and the Employment Generation Scheme, the quantum may remain the same as earlier in the policy. Further, the quantum of incentives under SGST and Employment Generation Scheme for mega projects and ultra-mega projects approved under the Haryana Enterprises Promotion Board before April 1, 2023, will also remain the same as approved by the board.
State lets gram panchayats lease out ‘shamlat deh’ land for setting up gaushalas
The cabinet also amended the Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Rules 1964 making it permissible for gram panchayats to lease out shamlat deh (village common) land to philanthropic societies or charitable institutions that want to establish gaushalas, biogas plants, panchgavya products, veterinary hospitals and research and training centres for the cultivation of fodder.
“Philanthropic societies or charitable institutions who want to establish gaushala, biogas plants, panchgavya products, veterinary hospitals and research and training centres and for the cultivation of fodder will now be able to get the shamilat deh (village common) land on lease for a period of up to 20 years as the government has amended rule 6, sub-rule (2A) of Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Rules, 1964.
Drafts Ayush Medical Reimbursement Policy
Apart from this, in a big sigh of relief to the government employees, pensioners and their dependents, the Haryana Government has drafted the Ayush Medical Reimbursement Policy. The Policy also aims to uplift AYUSH System through its reach to all Haryana Government Beneficiaries. As the vast majority of these beneficiaries are getting themselves treated under the AYUSH System of Medicine but due to No empanelled AYUSH Hospitals they were facing difficulty in getting their bills reimbursed. In view of the difficulties, AYUSH Medical Reimbursement Policy is drafted.
As per the Policy, all Government AYUSH Institutions, Private AYUSH Hospitals having NABH certificates and Entry level NABH certificates will get empanelled under this policy. This will give a boost to AYUSH private Practitioners as they can get their hospitals empanelled. The Haryana Government employees, Pensioners and their dependents can avail the benefit of getting their illness treated through Indoor admission in AYUSH empanelled Hospitals under the State Government.
Chronic disease Patients who were getting their outdoor charges reimbursed through Allopathy will now get an opportunity of getting themselves treated for the same disease through the AYUSH System and their charges reimbursed. Few Yoga and Naturopathy procedures will also be reimbursed during outdoor treatment of chronic disease patients since there are no medicines prescribed for outdoor patients while getting treatment in yoga and naturopathy hospitals.
Introduces Vivadon Ka Samadhan for Renewal of Licence
Giving a sigh of relief to the colonizers who have defaulted in depositing the outstanding license renewal fees as well as applicable interest on the same, Haryana has introduced yet another one of its kind one-time settlement scheme “Vivadon Ka Samadhan”. The scheme shall remain open for six months period from its notification.
As on April 1, 2022, there are 756 cases where such licences are required to be renewed. Outstanding dues on account of renewal of licence in such cases are Rs. 3660 crores out of which principal amount of renewal fee is Rs. 1604 crores and interest component is 2056 crores. Therefore, in order to safeguard the interest of allottee, Vivadon Ka Samadhan has been introduced. This one-time relief policy that has been formulated on the pattern of EDC Relief Policy "Samadhan Se Vikas”,
The Chief Minister said that three Metropolitan Development Authorities are already functioning in Haryana and it was decided to establish Sonipat Metropolitan Development Authority in the cabinet meeting today. Apart from this, permission has also been given for the Rationalization Commission, which will submit a detailed report in six months regarding the number of posts, rules etc. of employees in various departments.