With a view to making Uttar Pradesh an innovation hub, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked the IT and Electronics department to motivate youths for new innovations by arranging investors for them. Along with financial assistance, other concessions are also being made available to them by the department.
The department is organising seminars in various districts to provide investors to entrepreneurs of the state. Bareilly, Kanpur, and Lucknow have been selected for the first phase.
“The biggest feature is that entrepreneurs are linked with investors in their districts so that they do not have to move to Delhi, Hyderabad or Bengaluru for their startups. The department is also getting a lot of success in this,” Special Secretary, IT and Electronics, Akshay Tripathi said.
He said that a Citizen Engagement Partner programme was being worked out so that the youths did not have to wander in other states to set up their ventures. The youths setting up startups are being encouraged to establish dialogue with private investors through seminars and meetings in various districts.
To fulfill this goal, the department has partnered with Divyanshu Shukla, the founder of the ‘Papswap – Policies over Politics’ startup. This startup is working in tandem with the Yogi Adityanath government to take the benefits of the government’s policies to the common man.
Papswap recently signed an MoU with the IT and Electronics department as the policy engagement partner. Its main objective is to open new doors of innovation for startup entrepreneurs. Along with this, they have to provide assistance in making all kinds of resources available at the local level.
Papswap is providing a platform for entrepreneurs to connect with potential investors, industrialists, and learn about new business opportunities along with the latest trends in their industries. These seminars are also helping entrepreneurs build a strong network of peers and mentors, which can be invaluable to their growth and success.
After the success of the workshop at Rohilkhand Incubation Foundation (RIF), Bareilly, on March 15, a workshop is also being organised at the IIT-Kanpur on March 23. It will be followed by a workshop at AKTU in Lucknow.