Delhi Education Minister Atishi visited Dr. B.R. Ambedkar School of Specialised Excellence, Humanities, Gandhi Nagar on Saturday morning and interacted with the students. During her visit, students shared their experiences stating that in school, every concept is explained to them in detail, with everyday examples. As a result, they now seek answers to exam questions not just in books but in life experiences.
Students further mentioned that education in school is not confined to textbooks alone. Here, beyond books, various activities are organized, ensuring the participation of every child. Through this exposure, they get the opportunity to learn and understand significant issues related to society, the nation, and the world. They said that earlier, there was an emphasis on rote learning in schools, but now it’s different. Instead of rote memorization, students understand concepts, develop their own understanding, and apply it in their daily lives. For example, they not only study democracy but also actively adopt the concept in our lives by making collective decisions in class and school subjects.
Appreciating the students’ enthusiasm and self-confidence, Atishi stated that our teachers here are ensuring a brighter future for every child. She mentioned that the Kejriwal government is preparing future IAS officers, journalists, historians, lawyers, judges, and outstanding professionals in its Humanities ASoSE. Here, students are being prepared for the future not only with foundational subjects but also with advanced topics like Individual and Society, and World of Work.
The Minister remarked that at one time, it was unimaginable that children in government schools would have such high self-confidence. “ I am pleased to see that beyond books, activities like ‘Moot Court,’ Model United Nations, Youth Parliament, debates, etc., are becoming companions in children’s learning in this school,” she said.
She mentioned that with specialized education from ASoSE, our children will not only become better professionals but also contribute to the betterment of society by becoming informed and aware citizens.