Uttar Pradesh government has made a provision of `3,600 crore in the budget for free distribution of tablets and smart phones to the youth of the state, Cabinet minister Nand Gopal Gupta said here on Tuesday. He said the Yogi Adityanath government is committed to distributing two crore tablets and smartphones to the youth since it retained power in 2022.
The minister also slammed previous non-BJP governments in the state of making tall claims and false promises ahead of elections but never fulfilling them, as he participated in a programme to distribute tablets and smartphones to 650 students at the Gautam Buddha University in Greater Noida.
“Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken a historic decision to provide free tablets and smartphones to two crore youth of the state. A provision of Rs 3,600 crore has also been made in the annual budget.
“Other parties make tall claims and promises in elections, but after elections all the claims and all the promises go into cold storage. Our government does not make claims, it makes resolutions,” Gupta said.