Akash Ambani, head of India’s biggest telecom company, on Tuesday said high-speed fifth-generation cellular network or 5G will transform healthcare services, education, agriculture and disaster management, making cities smarter and societies safer.
5G ambulances will not just allow remote consultation, but would also be able to transit data and video to hospitals in real time, saving precious time for critical patients.
5G technology would also support the development of new educational applications, improve agriculture productivity, and aid search and rescue missions with high resolution cameras in disaster recovery zones.
“Five months ago, on October 1, 2022, Prime Minister inaugurated 5G services in India. In less than half a year, the industry has retooled itself and is rapidly bringing the 5G revolution to every nook and corner of the country,” said Akash Ambani, chairman of Reliance Jio, at a post-budget webinar.
Jio, he said, has launched ‘true 5G service’ in 277 cities across the nation, with the largest deployment of more than 40,000 sites and almost 2.5 lakh cells of 5G network in 700 Mhz as well as in the 3500Mhz band.
“We are on the path to achieve the declared goal to increase the Jio 5G footprint month-after-month to other cities, towns, and talukas of various State/UTs, and are aiming to cover every town, every taluka, and every tehsil across the nation by December 2023. This will be the world’s fastest 5G rollout,” he said.