A fire was reported on Monday on a passenger ferry bound for Sweden with 300 people, but officials said the blaze was “limited” and it is under control. No one has been injured.
The ferry was north of Sweden's Baltic Sea island of Gotland when the fire broke out, Swedish broadcaster SVT said.
Stefan Elfström, spokesperson at the ferry company Stena Line, said told SVT that they had been informed of a fire "on a limited scale (and) firefighting is currently underway.
We have no reports of personal injuries.” According to the Swedish Maritime Administration, the fire was under control and while there was smoke there are “no open flames,” spokeswoman Lisa Mjörning said.
Elfström added that passengers on board were being taken care of.
The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet said there was a tire on fire on the ferry's car deck as it travelled from Ventspils in Latvia to Nynashamn in Sweden. Nearby ships and a helicopter were sent to the scene as a precaution.