Astroturf | Gear up during Navaratra to face challenges ahead

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Astroturf | Gear up during Navaratra to face challenges ahead

Sunday, 10 April 2022 | Bharat Bhushan Padmadeo

Astroturf | Gear up during Navaratra to face challenges ahead

I  wish the valued reader a blessed Ramnavami. We commemorate the birth of Lord Shri Rama. He framed conduct rules of life, which were applicable to all, the royalty included. He lived by example, and so he is called Maryadapurushottama (ideal). It will be, however, interesting to note that during the nine days of the prayer regime that ends today, it is Mother Goddess Durga, the shakti personified, who is worshipped. Why?

Both the scientific vice and Indian philosopher have a common viewpoint about the mystery of creation: We owe our dynamic existence to the orchestra of nature-driven energy. So, all that exists is nothing but transformation of the nature-driven energy.  The word Shakti reflects altogether a different connotation as compared to “Energy” as is understood in modern sense. For, inherent in shakti is a creative aspiration, which, following the intelligent design inherent in nature, blossoms out into the world of phenomenon. The shakti-s playing around in the cosmos and the planetary bodies by themselves lack discriminatory ability. They keep doing their round involuntarily and are available in equal proportion to all and sundry.

The same shakti, which drives each live existence, however, acquires a different dimension altogether when it comes to human application. For, each being, armed with the power of freewill, could guide one’s actions by choice and discrimination. They, thus, qualify to apply Shakti as individually wished. And each being is born unique carrying varying individualistic mind trends. It is this uniqueness of a being, which responds to Shakti's  varied ways depending on how every mind is inherently made out. As choice comes into play, the probability of its destructive use remains no less than its productive potential. Shakti, thus, turns out to be a double-edged weapon.

The question that naturally follows: How to ensure productive application of Shakti, overriding all individualistic vulnerabilities, coming as they may with one’s unique nature? The answer evidently lies in having exposure to the Shakti concept, which the imagery of Mother Goddess Durga so aptly displays.

As the allegory runs, the demons drove away the divine beings from their place of abode. The Devatas then gathered and together called upon Lord Brahma, the God-personified for creation, and sought His help. Lord Brahma led them to Lord Vishnu, the God-personified assigned with the task to administer. Realizing that enormous power is needed to counter the might of demons, Lord Vishnu in turn, led them all to Lord Shiva, the epitome of Shakti.

Lord Shiva asked all the divine beings to share their individual Tejas (Shakti- radiance). Accordingly, all of them pooled in their individual shakti, which together turned into a huge fire. Out of that huge fire pool, came into being the all-powerful Mother Goddess Durga. The different divine beings offered their respective weapons for Mother’s use. She then humbled all the demons. She, however, did not do it alone. She was assisted by many other Goddesses in Her mission, all of them originating from the mainframe of Durga herself, who, after completing their respective tasks, reverted back to their source frame.

The first question that arises is, how comes the divine beings, so particular about their righteous conduct, had to face the humiliation of being driven away by evil forces? Evidently, there had to be something wrong in them, which brought them to such a pass. One possibility is that being overtaken by an egotistic sense of being superior ones; they mistook themselves to be unassailable. And then, they were so engrossed in their individualistic pursuits, righteous though, that they lost their alert about the impending danger. Passionately engrossed in their individualistic pursuits, they probably would have not cared to remain true to their collective obligations, either. The inevitable had to happen.

The implication is that divine beings, though placed on a high pedestal, by themselves could not routinely ensure their well-being unless the collective existence is well secured. And life doesn’t necessarily move to one’s asking. We have to contend with disparate people all around. Our plane of living, therefore, remains a fertile ground for the arousal of conflicting interests. We, therefore, need to be well geared up to take on the danger inherent in the existential order itself. So, no matter how virtuous a person individually is, unless he remains alive to existential needs, life may turn into a nightmare.

Human beings have a short memory. So, they need to be reminded about the realities of life at regular periodic intervals. It is with this end in mind that ancient India’s leading lights stipulated for Navaratra festivity.

The issue continues …….

The writer is an astrologer, vastu consultant and spiritual counsellor. Connect with him at

Tel: 91-11-9818037273/9871037272


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