An exhibition of Gond Paintings is being put up at Madhya Pradesh State Tribal Museum.
The exhibition that began on June 3 will continue till June 30. In her paintings, mainly the traditional Bhili environment and the fauna of animals and animals are seen.
In one of the paintings, she depicted the farmer's house in the village, his wife and children, animals, birds and trees, as well. She also portrayed other events and festivals of Bhil tribe in her paintings.
The tribesmen use gond art in their daily life, festivals and at other social events.
Bhuri Bai described the life of Bhil tribe through Gond paintings beautifully. Gond paintings can best be described as ‘on line work’. The artist makes sure to draw the inner as well as outer lines with as much care as possible so that the perfection of the lines has an immediate effect on the viewer. Lines are used in such a way that it conveys a sense of movement to the still images.
Dots and dashes are added to impart a greater sense of movement and increase the amount of detail.