Bootstrap Edtech Company eyeing Rs 400 crore turnover for 2022

| | Bhopal
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Bootstrap Edtech Company eyeing Rs 400 crore turnover for 2022

Saturday, 15 January 2022 | Staff Reporter | Bhopal

The Catalyst Group is helping students with their preparations for various important examinations and giving a kick-start to their careers. Today, the 2021 Net Evaluation of the Catalyst Group stands at 220 crores and the company aims to have a Turnover or Evaluation of about 400 crores in 2022.

The Catalyst Group aims to bring forth easy access to education for students from all sections of society. The company aims to provide education to student aspirants from the top faculties of India, who have over 10 years of teaching and mentoring experience in their area of expertise and in this Edtech industry. The goal of the Catalyst Group is to help students achieve their goals and their motivation lies in the results and satisfaction of their students.

The Catalyst Group has an aim of making education easily accessible for all and therefore provides affordable education to students coming from difficult backgrounds and BPL (Below Poverty Line) families. Since the company's inception, the company has tirelessly worked towards providing quality education to students from different backgrounds and those who cannot afford education from other coaching institutes which charge high amounts of fees for their programs. The guardians of many enrolled students are auto drivers, daily wage workers or laborers, painters, and so on. The fee charged by the Catalyst Group is 1/10th of what the students are otherwise required to pay in the other coaching institutes flourishing in the market. However, the company's students are always amongst the top-ranking selected candidates and have one of the highest selection rates in terms of numbers for different examinations conducted all year round.

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