Chaos reigned at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSMIA) on Thursday, after a computer server crashed at Terminal-2 (T-2) of the airport for more than an hour, badly affecting the check-ins and other operations of many of the airlines. In an apparent consequence of the ongoing infrastructure digging works of the Mumbai Metro line in the vicinity of the CSMIA, a main cable of a major utility company snapped leading to the breakdown of a computer server at the Terminal 2 of the airport.
The computer server at the terminal T-2 breakdown led to long queues and the check-ins were done in the manual mode at the country’s second busiest airport after the one in Delhi. The schedules of several of the flights went haywire after a network cable got snapped due to "ongoing work elsewhere in the city"
The T-2, which is one of the two terminals at the CSMIA, deals with most of the international flights and it is also used for domestic routes.
Attributing the glitch a to “a temporary network interruption outside the airport due to ongoing development work in the city”, an official Spokesperson for CSMIA said: “Our passengers are requested to allocate additional time for check-in and also to kindly connect with their respective airlines, owing to a temporary network interruption outside the airport due to on-going development work in the city.”
“Our teams are present on ground and manual processing has been initiated to facilitate all passengers. We sincerely regret the inconvenience and thank our passengers for their understanding,” the CSMIA spokesperson said.
“There was a network interruption resulting from a cable cut during some construction work in the city. This interrupted the various ticketing systems. All systems are now restored and working,” the spokesperson added.