Ensure enough drinking water for hospitals: DJB orders officials amid shortage

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Ensure enough drinking water for hospitals: DJB orders officials amid shortage

Thursday, 06 May 2021 | PTI | New Delhi

Ensure enough drinking water for hospitals: DJB orders officials amid shortage

The Delhi Jal Board ordered officials on Thursday to ensure that there was no shortage of drinking water in hospitals treating coronavirus patients.

The directive comes a day after the DJB had said drinking water supply would remain affected in parts of central, north, south and west Delhi and cantonment areas for three days as a result of Haryana releasing less raw water into the Yamuna.

Water supply should be rationalised across Delhi, "but special attention shall be paid to ensure that there is no shortage of drinking water at hospitals treating COVID-19 patients", read an order from Member (Water Supply) V K Gupta.

"Delay in supply of drinking water to COVID-19 hospitals will be viewed seriously," the order stated.

DJB engineers should be in constant touch with authorities at healthcare facilities to ensure that sufficient drinking water is supplied to the hospitals, it said.

Water should be supplied through regular water lines and in case the need arises, it should be supplemented through tankers, the order said.

The DJB's water supply has reduced by 60-65 million gallons a day due to "severe shortage of raw water from Haryana", a statement said.

The utility also clarified that there were no plans to cut supply to COVID-19 hospitals in Delhi due to the water shortage.

"It has been reported in some sections of the media that the DJB plans to cut the water supply in COVID hospitals across Delhi due to water shortage. In this regard, DJB amply clarifies that it is factually incorrect and there is no such proposal,” the statement read.

"Despite shortage in water production, all efforts are made to ensure that adequate water is supplied to all hospitals and health facilities, including COVID hospitals, either through the piped network, or through additional tanker trips," it said.

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