Talented player of Madhya Pradesh State Equestrian Academy, Prannoy Khare, giving a brilliant performance won a silver medal in the Senior National Equestrian Championship Grade One Show Jumping.
Prannoy Khare won this medal by overtaking the country's top horsemen at the Senior National Equestrian Competition GradeOne (140 cm) Show Jumping held at AGL Stables Delhi from 9 to 15 February 2021. Prannay Khare Senior National Equestrian Competition Grade One (Advance), M.P. Became the first player of the State Equestrian Academy.
State Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Yashodhara Raje Scindia applauded and congratulated the academy's talented horseman Prannoy Khare at the Senior National Equestrian Championship Gradhavan show-jumping. She said that Prannoy has made Madhya Pradesh proud by earning a silver medal in the Senior National Championship.
Director Sports and Youth Welfare Pawan Jain said that Prannoy is a talented horseman not only of Khare Pradesh. Pranay's achievements have increased the pride of the state in the last four years.
Director of sports expressed hope that by winning medals in international competitions, Prannoy Khare will enhance the honor and pride of the country.
The Academy's equestrian player Prannoy Khare has won five medals including three gold, one silver and one bronze at the International Equestrian Championship. While he has won 24 medals including 17 gold, 05 silver and 02 bronze in Junior National Equestrian Championship and seven medals including two gold, four silver and one bronze in senior, Madhya Pradesh. Apart from this, 51 gold, 44 silver and 32 bronze medals have been earned so far in the Regional and Premier Equestrian League and Horse Show.
Prannoy Khare is trained under the guidance of Captain Bhagirath, the head instructor of the equestrian academy.