The Big Picture’, India’s first-ever visual-based quiz show in association with Banijay Asia, Salman Khan Television and ITV Studios Global Entertainment B.V opened its registration process from July 17. The viewers can follow simple steps to complete the registration process and participate from the comfort of their homes by logging on to Voot app, or MyJio app.
Be ready to put your visual knowledge to test and win ‘Big’ by following three simple steps.
STEP 1: Call for entries: The very first question went on-air on July 17 at 9:30 PM on COLORS and a new question was shared daily at 9.30 pm on the channel for the next 10 days until July 26. Each question will remain valid only for 24 hours from the time of its announcement and viewers can answer by filling up the required details on Voot app, or MyJio app.
STEP 2: Online Test: Of the viewers who answer the questions correctly, a few will be shortlisted through the randomizer system for the next round. The shortlisted candidates will be called and would be informed about the details of the online test. They would also get a link for the online test via SMS/Email before 8th August.
On the test day, the candidate will have to log in via mobile number to attempt the test and will get 20 seconds each to answer 20 visual-based questions with 4 options. After answering all the questions, the user will be directed to a page wherein they will have to upload their introduction video basis the parameters shared with them.