The Delhi Police have registered a First Information Report (FIR) against unknown persons following the Delhi High Court’s (HC) order in a case of caste-based questions being allegedly asked in the primary teachers’ recruitment exam by the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB). The FIR was registered on Monday at the Anand Vihar police station. The HC on June 14 said the questions put in the question papers of the two examinations held on October 13, 2018 and August 18, 2019 “undoubtedly prima facie fall within the domain of an intentional insult or intimidation with an intent to prima facie insult members of the SC/ST within public view”.
The court said whether the DSSSB was aware of the contents of the question papers set or not, is a matter which can be ascertained only through investigation.
The HC dismissed a petition by the DSSSB challenging a February 17 order of the trial court directing lodging of an FIR against the offenders for the offences under the SC/ST Act on a complaint by advocate Satya Prakash Gautam.
The trial court’s directions had come while allowing an application filed by advocate Satya Prakash Gautam, seeking action against the DSSSB chairman and the erring officials of the examination committee under the Act.
The application had claimed that a caste-based question was asked in the exam conducted on October 13, 2018, by the DSSSB.