yoga for the lungs

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yoga for the lungs

Tuesday, 22 June 2021 | Dr Partap Chauhan

yoga for  the lungs

Yoga not only strengthens us physically and intellectually, it is also vital in fighting COVID. Dr Partap Chauhan lists asanas that can help stimulate your lungs

June 21 was International Yoga Day, it coincided with the summer solstice, to recognise the many benefits of the ancient Indian practice of Yoga.

This year marks the sixth edition of the International Yoga Day.

Yoga serves to strengthen us physically, intellectually, and spiritually, and is vital in fighting the coronavirus, as it helps boost the immune system. Yoga asanas, combined with the treatment protocol prescribed by Ayurveda immensely helps in the post-Coronavirus healing phase.

The following are some of the asanas that can strengthen the lungs if practised regularly:

Hasta uttanasana aka raised arm Yoga pose: To begin, stand straight in samasthiti. Raise your arms over your head and stretch upward, making sure your palms facing each other. Bend back slowly while keeping your head in between your arms. Maintain a straight line with your knees and keep your eyes open.

Dhanurasana aka bow pose: Begin by lying on your stomach, bending your knees and holding your ankles with your palms. Have a firm grip. As high as you can, lift your legs and arms. Look up and maintain the stance for a few moments.

Ushtrasana aka camel pose: Kneel on your Yoga mat with your hands on your hips. Arc your back and move your palms over your feet at the same time, until your arms are straight. Maintain a neutral position for your neck. For a few breaths, stay in this position. Exhale and slowly return to the starting position. As you straighten up, withdraw your hands and bring them back to your hips.

Ardhachandrasana aka half-moon pose: Begin with Padahastasana. Then, extend your left leg back, kneel down, and point your toes out. Look up and stretch your arms over your head. Make sure your right knee is parallel to your ankle. Form an arch with your upper body by bending backwards (which resembles half a moon). Hold the position for a few moments. Carry on with the opposite leg in the same manner.

Chakrasana aka wheel pose: Lie down on your back with your legs folded at the knees and your feet firmly planted on the floor. Bend your elbows and face the sky with your palms facing up. Place your palms on the floor on either side of your head and rotate your arms at the shoulders.

Apart from frequent breathing exercises and meditation, obtaining six to eight hours of sleep, and eating a balanced, home-cooked cuisine, keeping a healthy diet is critical for post-COVID recuperation.

The writer is Director of Jiva Ayurveda, author, public speaker, TV personality and Ayurvedacharya

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