Freshly brewed coffee @home

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Freshly brewed coffee @home

Sunday, 30 August 2020 | Shalini Saksena | New Delhi

Freshly brewed coffee @home

Are you craving for a cup of coffee from your favourite café and are wondering when it will open so you can slay your craving? Are you a perfectionist when it comes to a cup of coffee and freshly brewed cup is your mantra? Believe it or not all this and much more is possible now with Pour Over Brew Bags.

One can make the strongest coffee with just two ingredients: brew bag and a cup with hot water. Place the flaps of the sachet on either side of the cup, tear the sachet open and pour 30 ml (approximately 1/4th cup) of hot boiling water. Allow the water to percolate and a gourmet cup of coffee is ready! The coffee can be enjoyed either black or can be topped with some milk/sugar as per taste. The brew bags come in a pack of 10 sachets. It’s priced at Rs 400 for the pack.

Lakshmi Dasaka, co-founder-COO, Slay tells you that the idea to introduce brew bags is to reach out to a wider customer base, where the coffee stores are not available. “We want our product to become a default go to, whether it is to order through the delivery app service providers or to make a gourmet coffee at home. Since they are available online, people can order it in even from smaller cities and towns and enjoy a good cup of coffee,” Dasaka says.

She tells you that the idea to introduce brew bags was to make it easy for the consumer to make a fresh cup of coffee from the comforts of their home. “Usually, if one wants to make a fresh brew one has to first ground the coffee and then filter it through the filter paper to get a decoction.

“With these bags we have eliminated two-three steps and made it easy for the consumers. They also don’t need a filter; all they have to do is open the bag, pour boiling hot water and let the liquid filter through and within minutes, one has a fresh cup of the strongest coffee. One can add a dash of milk and sugar,” Dasaka says.

There is a reason why they chose to introduce bags for the strongest coffee. “Even before the pandemic, we would get comments that they wanted us to deliver them a cup of strong coffee. We realised that people in India love strong coffee. While we will soon be introducing brew bags with other flavours, we decided to go with this first,” Dasaka explains.

Not only this, the brand has also added to their kitty of coffee with Lavender (hot), Caramel (hot and cold) and Watermelon (cold) coffees. Those who like flowery smells, lavender is an excellent choice. When you open the seal, the smell that emits is amazing. But if you are more traditional, then caramel is a good option as well, especially, cold. The flavour hits the taste buds brilliantly.

Though for many watermelon and lavender coffees may sound strange but Dasaka tells you that no new flavour is introduced without testing by over a 100real-time consumer and internal team. Lavender (hot) won hands down over cold as did watermelon (cold). For now, watermelon is not available in Delhi though in Bengaluru this coffee is getting rave reviews from the customers.

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