Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee (OPCC) president Niranjan Patnaik on Thursday met the Commissioner of Police here and lodged an FIR against Republic TV editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami and his associates under Sections 295A,153,153A,504,505 and 120B of the IPC.
In the FIR, Patnaik stated that the channel aired a video with prejudicial mind to promote enmity between different groups on religious grounds and to incite public against Sonia Gandhi and all office-bearers of the Congress party on the basis of false and distorted facts. Balangir Congress MLA Narasingha Mishra also lodged a similar FIR against Goswami alleging him of false and defamatory remarks against Gandhi in the Republic TV. Mishra submitted the FIR to Balangir Town PS Inspector-in-Charge Sangram Pattnaik on Wednesday night.
Cuttack-Barabati MLA Mohammed Moquim also submitted a complaint to the DGP in Cuttack on the day that the accused Goswami used abusive comments on his channel’s programme ‘Poochta Hai Bharat’ and gave an impression that Gandhi and all Congress members are anti-Hindu and are behind the murder of Hindu saints in Maharashtra.