Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Wednesday launched the “Top Parent”, a mobile app launched by the Department of School Education in Mantralaya to help students continue to study in an interesting manner at home. Chouhan sent the first whatsapp message to the students through “Digi Lap – Aapki Padhai Aapke Ghar'.
Chief Minister Chouhan spoke to Shri Sudhakar Parashar, teacher of School of Excellence, Bhopal and two school children of Kagadipura Dhar and their guardian, Radha Rani, via mobile.
Chouhan informed them that now they will be provided with teaching material on mobile, so that students can easily study in an interesting way. The students thanked the Chief Minister addressing him as Mamaji. Praising Chouhan, the students said that they are getting lessons through stories and incidents from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm daily through radio programme.
Now the complete study material will also be available through the mobile app and whatsapp group. Chief Minister Chouhan informed that through the “Digi Lap – Aapki Padhai Aapke Ghar” scheme, such students who have Android mobile phones, study material of subjects including English, Hindi, Mathematics and Science etc. of Class Ist to XIIth can be obtained on whatsapp on mobile phone.
There will also be many interesting videos in it. In this programme, more than 25,000 teachers, students etc. have been connected through whatsapp group.
The Chief Minister said that through the 'Top Parent' app, parents will be able to provide their children with important information about the country and the world.
At the same time, they will get the information as regard to children's progress on the app through continuous report cards. Students will be able to learn the basic skills of mathematics through this app.
Along with this, children will also be able improve their English language. This app is free and can be downloaded by linking to